Chapter ten

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"GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYSSSSSSS!" Bachira exclaimed excitedly in the dorm.

"What is it Bachira?" Isagi asked, trying to calm down the hyperactive boy.

They had finished their 4v4 match yesterday, so isagi had moved to his new dorm.

"Today is y/n's birthdayyyy." He grinned.

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot about it after the 4v4!" Isagi gasped.

"What should we do for her?" Bachira asked.

"We can't get anything for her since we're trapped in this blue lock prison." Isagi said.

"Oh no, what should we do?" Aoshi nervously bit his fingernails.

"Why don't we throw her an elegant dinner?" Aryu suggested, flipping his hair majestically.

"That's a great idea, Aryu-chan!" Bachira gave a thumbs up to the long haired boy.

Aryu flicked his glamorous hair in response. 💅

"I guess we could probably combine our foods together and make it into a small buffet." Isagi said.

"Whaddya think Rin-kun?" Bachira turned to him.

"Why don't we just wish her a small happy birthday. Simple." He said, lying down on his pillow. "And she's Ego's niece, she could get any food she wanted at anytime. So a buffet is stupid."

"That's actually kinda true." Isagi said. "I think we should just wish her a small happy birthday instead. It's the thought that counts."

Bachira rolled his eyes.

"That's so boring."

"Shut up." Rin said.

"Rin, Rin, always so serious." Bachira shook his head. "Well, lemme ask you a small question."


"Do you like y/n-chan?"

Rin immediately sat up in his bed, face blushing red.

"WHAT. No."

"Awhhh. Cmon Rin-kun, don't be shy. It's written all over your face." Bachira giggled.

"I don't like y/n. What made you think that anyway?"

"Welllll, I kind of saw both of you hugging each other while sleeping that night. Isn't that what couples do?" Bachira asked innocently.

"We were just sharing a bed. And you were awake?"

Bachira shrugged.

"And why would you chase me, Bachira and Nagi out of y/n's room? Did both of you do something?" Isagi added, raising his eyebrows.


"My dear friend, hiding your true feelings between friends is not glamorous." Aryu said.

"FINE. I like her, but I'm saying this so you won't keep pestering me." Rin's face turned crimson and he looked away from the four.

"What do you like about her Rin-kun?" Aoshi asked.

Rin hesitated.

"Don't be shy, we won't tell anyone." Isagi smiled.

Rin sighed and said, " I don't know. I guess I like how carefree she is. She's also kind of caring."

"I like the way she doesn't care what others think of her and the way she looks. I love her smile. I like her hair and her smile. Her competitiveness and bravery."

Rin lay back down and smushed his face into his pillow.

And that she's pretty good at soccer, he thought.

"And if I hear you say that to y/n or anyone else...your dead." He glared at everyone, teal eyes piercing through the four of them.

"Ok...we won't interfere anymore then." Isagi said and smiled.

"Roger that." Bachira saluted him.

"Let's talk abou-"

"Hey guys."

Everyone in the room shrieked and jerked their heads towards the door.

You were standing there in a crumpled sweatshirt and pants with your hair down, and your eyes were slightly closed.

"I just woke up. And why did y'all scream? Did something happen?" You yawned and flopped yourself onto Isagi's bed.

Everyone except you turned to Rin.

Rin shot them a look saying, STOP STARING AT ME YOU PIECES OF TRASH.

"Did Rin do something? Why are all of you looking at him like that?"

Rin groaned and stomped towards you, grabbing your arm and pulled you out of the dorm.

"Where are we going?" You yawned as you slid across the floor.

"You're helping me with training today."

"Huh. I'm sleepy. And I haven't eaten yet." You said, lying down on the floor as he let go of your arm.

Rin rolled his eyes and groaned.

"I'm leaving you here then." Rin walked away to the soccer field.

You nodded sleepily and lay on the floor.

Five minutes later, Rin came back and found you still lying on the floor.

He had stopped practicing and came to check on you, worried that someone may have stepped on you or tripped over you.

He looked at you, disgusted when he saw you.

"Get up brat."

He picked you up the arm and tried to make you to stand but you refused to move your body.

Rin screamed internally, frustrated.

"Geez, fine. I'll help you. Whaddya need." You frowned at him, standing up with haphazard hair and sleepy eyes.

"First fix that hair of yours. And you're gonna do some exercise with me. You look fat."

"No I don't. It's the clothes." You started walking towards the gym, randomly running your fingers through your hair.

Rin sighed and walked behind you, running his fingers through your hair, untangling your black shoulder length hair.

Her hair's pretty soft, he thought, as he ran his fingers through your hair.

"I like your hair." He murmured.


"Nothing." Rin blushed.

"I haven't combed my hair in months."

"You're disgusting."

"Lemme do what I want." You glared at him sleepily. "Plus it's my birthday today, I'll do whatever I want. And no, I'm not gonna do exercise with you."

"What're you gonna do for your birthday?"

You shrugged.

"Haven't decided. I'll probably go to a cafe outside and grab a drink and some sunlight."

"Do whatever you want. Come to the cafeteria when it's dinner."


Rin just turned around and headed towards the gym.

"You'll see."

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