Chapter five

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"What's going on...?" Rin sweatdropped when he entered his dorm.

Bachira, isagi, you, aoshi, and aryu were all standing on the four beds, pillows in hand.

"What are all of you DOING?" He walked inside the room. There shoes and shirts and pieces of clothes everywhere, on the floor, bed, basically the room now looked like a junkyard.

"Rin-Chan! We're having a pillow fight! Wanna join?" Bachira waved to Rin.

"No. I'm going to take a shower." Rin took his towel and walked out of the room.

"What a party pooper. Well, let's continue." You said, throwing a pillow at aryu's head.

"Do not mess up my glamorous hair, y/n." Aryu said, flicking his hair back.

You rolled your eyes and smacked Bachira in the back of the head.

"Woah!" Bachira fell off but rolled back up and jumped onto another bed.

"You're so on y/n!" He jumped over to you and both of you started having a smack down.

"Woo hoo!" Isagi suddenly appeared on top of both of you and smashed a pillow on both your faces.

The three of you laughed.

Nagi was just using his phone in a corner as he should.

"Are you serious."

All of you turned to the door to see Rin, hair dripping and shirtless, with an annoyed look on his face.

Oh dang, you thought as you glanced at his abs.

"I need some peace and quiet for tonight. So all of you quit it and get out." He ruffled his hair with his towel, drying it.

The four of you except Rin said goodbye to isagi and Nagi who headed back to their dorm.

"Oh yeah by the way, my uncle got super mad at me for breaking his phone cause I dropped it. So he kicked me out of his room and he's not letting me in. So now I have nowhere to sleep until my new room gets prepared." You sighed, falling down on Bachira's bed.

"So I was thinking maybe I could sleep in your dorm, Bachira?" You turned to the boy.

"Sure! We have enough space here." He said. "We don't mind."

"I don't mind having another person with glamorous hair to talk to." Aryu said.

Aoshi nervously smiled at you. "I'm good with y/n staying here, but where will she sleep?"

"She can sleep on Rin's bed!" Bachira suggested.

"WHAT. Hell no. Since when did I agree on having this trash stay here? And no, she's not sleeping on my bed. Where would I sleep if she does?" Rin said, annoyed.

"Um, on the floor?" You suggested.

"Hey, I'm not gonna let some brat take my bed just because she's sleeping here. Get a fucking mattress or something." He turned away from the four of you.

"Y/n was pretty comfortable sleeping on your bed though, plus you both were fine sleeping together, but not in a weird way." Bachira shrugged.

"Yeah, you seemed fine with sleeping on the same bed, so it should be fine." You added.

Rin massaged his temples, resisting the urge to throw both of you out of the dorm.

"FINE, you can sleep on my bed. But I'm sleeping on the floor."

You shrugged.

"Fine by me."

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