ch- 6

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During morning classess,

Ning Xi was sleeping peacefully in the class, why? Bcz it's science class.
She was a profound doctor in her last life, so this tiny bit of knowledge is nothing to her . In fact she was good at acupuncture ,no the best after her master. Talking about  medical field, she really wants to perform a operation or surgery. But she hates physics. During these days, she is practicing physics even if she hate it ,till night.  She just want to skip grades at first by hardworking but then thinking about the villian and her miserable end, she changed her mind. Till her school,she has to take care of him and then her new life will start.
Mainly bcz the plot started when he was in college and the female lead was also in same Major. But she is different cuz she will choose medical field and so her campus will be further away from both of them.

Ning Xi who was sleeping dazely in the  class was unaware of the anger of Mrs Park. She was already in her dreamland . Suddenly someone pinched her from behind, she was startled and stood up with a woosh.

Seeing Mrs Park red from anger,

Ning Xi:'.....'

Before she has time to think, who pinched her. Mrs Park who was red from anger asked her a question loudly in the class through greeted teeth,
" What is the scientific name of Mango?"

Ning Xi was a little late to understand.

Mrs Park smirked and thought,'now let's see how I make you cry ' cuz this question is of senior High.

Everyone in the class knew that this is not the question from their book and standard, she is obviously finding faults with Ning Xi.

Before they could feel sympathy for Ning Xi, she told the answer,"Its Maingifera Indica".

Everyone thought she is spouting nonsense but.... Seeing Mrs Park smiling face frozen, they were confused.

Only a boy sitting at last bench was not affected by the answer. His brown hair covered half of his face and his sharp but soft features blending together make him appear a straight -A student. His high bridge nose was like a celebrity.All together he has handsome looks but he was wearing plane spectacles that coverd his the emotion couldn't be seen.
He is the class monitor Li Mingzhe.
Very boring type of person, he is great in physics and maths or could be said as best . More importantly he is cold and only has his father and sister in his heart.

Li Mingzhe was looking downwards on his notebook but his focus was in all directions too.

After giving the answer , Ning Xi asked Mrs Park," Teacher ,I gave the answer and I'm very sure about it."

Means you let me sit down now .

Mrs Park - " You can sit down and from now on don't sleep in my class."

Even if she is angry,she has a good personality and behaviour specially towards those who are intelligent in her subject. So she let this slide and continued with her lecture.

Ning Xi who just sat down was going to sleep again when she was pinched in elbow .

"OWw..., Shhh who is this?"

Looking back, she saw the smiling Haoran. He poked his head near her table and said in a very low voice,
" I think , your luck is good. Don't you know we have a literature test in next period".

Ning Xi who was planning to sleep again, was left in a extreme shock.
"Wht???, Which literature test"?

Haoran-" Ch 19 of first book and test with oral recitation of next chapter."

Ning Xi hurriedly took out the book from her bag and started studying the notes of literature. This is easy for her cuz she has been talking English classes from 10 years. But still she has to revise.

Soon the bell rang and a very classic woman in her 40's came. Wearing silver glasses she look wise but her temperament look even more strict.

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