Chapter 2: "Distance and Doubts"

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Rifan's departure to Jakarta proved to be a challenge for their relationship. The couple struggled to maintain communication due to the distance and their respective busy schedules.

Ditya: "Hey, it's been a week since we last talked. How's everything going?"

Rifan: "It's tough, I won't lie. The classes are demanding and I barely have any free time. But I'm doing my best to keep up."

Ditya: "I understand. But we need to make time for each other, even if it's just a short call or message."

Rifan: "You're right, I'm sorry. It's just been a lot to handle. I miss you so much."

Ditya: "I miss you too. We'll get through this, together."


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Despite their efforts to keep the flame alive, things started to unravel. Rifan became distant and unresponsive, leaving Ditya feeling confused and frustrated.

Ditya: "Rifan, is everything okay? You've been acting strange lately."

Rifan: "I don't know, Ditya. I feel like I'm drowning in this new environment. I don't know if I can handle a long-distance relationship on top of everything else."

Ditya: "But we promised to make this work. You can't just give up like that."

Rifan: "I'm not giving up, I'm just being realistic. Maybe we should take a break for a while, focus on our own goals and see where that leads us."

Ditya: "No, I can't do that. I love you, Rifan."

Rifan: "I love you too, but sometimes love isn't enough. We need to think about our future and what's best for us individually."

Their conversation left Ditya with a heavy heart, unsure of what the future held for their relationship.

As time went by, the distance between them began to take a toll. Ditya threw herself into her volunteer work with the Red Cross while Rifan focused on his studies and making new friends in Jakarta.

One evening, as they were on a video call, Rifan shared his doubts with Ditya.

Rifan: "I don't know, Ditya. It's just feels like we're drifting apart. I don't want to lose you, but it's hard to keep this up when we're so far away from each other."

Ditya: "What are you saying, Rifan? Are you saying you want to break up?"

Rifan: "No, that's not what I mean. I just feel like...I don't know if we can keep this up. It's so hard being away from you all the time."

Ditya felt tears welling up in her eyes.

Ditya: "I know it's hard, Rifan. But I love you. I don't want to lose you."

Rifan: "Maybe we need to take a break. Figure out what we really want."

Ditya: "Okay. But promise me, we'll talk this out. We won't just let things fall apart."

Rifan: "I promise. I don't want to lose you, Ditya. You mean too much to me."


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