chapter six.

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In retrospect, it was a really bad idea to accept . Usually, Reina was all for Fridays. She would not have to wake up early for school the next day. But today was the day she would have to drop the bomb on Yuri, telling her friend that she would not be able to freelance for the lit club as often as she used to.

Facing the full body mirror right beside her desk, Reina took a deep breath. "You can do it, Reina. You're going to tell Yuri about the proposition and you're going to see how she reacts before making a decision."

Yuri was her first friend after going through two major friendship break-ups. Not that her first friendship with Sachiro ever ended so devastatingly like it did with Mai, but she certainly could not call him up and ask how he was doing with casual ease like nothing had happened. Point was, Reina did not want to hurt Yuri like she did to the people who mattered to her.

The lit club meant a lot to Yuri, who had dreams of making it flourish. Her friend scoured more than enough of her own time and energy to keep the club running afloat without having to rely on the Student Council's funds. Although at times Reina wondered if Yuri's habit to pour her soul into everything she did would run her dry in the end.

Reina had to admit it was a genius idea of Yuri's to monetize their student body's raging school spirit and jock worship towards their sports club by opening up a love letter writing service. Honestly, the raging school spirit in their school was only natural since Inarizaki High was a powerhouse of their sports. Not to mention the raging strong club culture that was so deeply ingrained in the school's society. Reina had a lot to say about that, but she still wanted to keep her head intact in its place, thank you very much.

"Nee-san!" Makoto's voice managed to knock Reina out of her inner monologue. It was followed with an obnoxiously loud series of knocking against Reina's bedroom door.

Another thing that differentiate Makoto and Reina, her younger sister was good at making herself heard. In the most annoying way possible.

"What?!" Reina snapped back.

At least during mornings like these, she and Makoto could still get a semblance of normalcy by snapping and bickering at each other. Just how sad her familial life that the only time they could be a normal family was during mornings, when everyone was just grumpy.

"Grandma is calling you up for breakfast!"

"Tell her I'll be downstairs in a minute!"

"You really need to get out more and live your life! You spend way too much time in your room!"

Apparently the devil had taken over her younger sister's body and spew some poison. But in all honesty, Reina could figure out that Makoto was having her usual pre menstruation syndrome that just got her extra grumpy.

"Jesus," Reina muttered as she adjusted her uniform's collar. It was already time to exchange into Inarizaki summer uniform. She'd never felt comfortable wearing the summer uniform. Her breasts were big enough and usually the school's blazer could hide it. But the summer uniform only seemed to flash her chest to the world and she even already got two sizes bigger than usual.

She took one last look on the mirror and nodded to boost herself through the day before walking out of her room. Although not before grabbing her school bag from her desk.

Trudging down the staircase, Reina was surprised at who was waiting for her in the living room.

"Yuri?" Reina asked. Well they had promised to walk to school together, but Reina was surprised that her grandmother invited Yuri in. "Sorry, did I make you wait?"

Smells Like School SpiritOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora