Please Read - I'm very upset!

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So this is obviously not an update but it's something really important I'd like to address. So please read the entire thing, because this is me - your author and friend - setting some boundaries.  

Firstly, I want you guys to know that I'm a busy person however I find time to update and also I dedicate a lot of time to reading each and every comment I get. I may not be able to respond to them all, but I do click on all comments and read them. This is because I enjoy it, this has been my dream!

Writing books has been my dream since I was a little girl and now finally at 21, I've been able to muster up the courage to put myself out there and let my work be seen. I know I signed up for this, which means I also signed up for love and support as well as criticism and disagreements. And up to this point, I am okay and actually appreciate it. 

But what I didn't sign up for is hate and outright rude behaviour. I have had people send me messages and leave comments on both my stories - Kismat and Vishwaas. Not too many comments, but there are some. These comments and messages are not the nicest, they crumble my confidence, and leave me in self-doubt and reconsidering if I should even continue. I know that there is only a small percentage of people, but it still gets a lot to handle.

And as much as I appreciate constructive criticism and welcome it so I can improve, I do not and will not ever tolerate any hateful comments or messages. If you do not like my story and have nothing nice to say about it you have the freedom to close the book, take it out of your library and never look at it again. 

But taking the time to say hurtful and just rude things is downright petty, it reeks of insecurity. It shows entitlement, something you don't have when it comes to MY work and MY story.

If you don't want a story on Rohan, fine. But sending me a message that I'm stupid for giving him a complete character change, NOT OKAY.

If you think Chhaya is stupid and dumb, fine. But leaving that as a comment on my book, NOT OKAY.

If you think Meera relies on Shourya too much and should stand up for her, fine. If you think Kismat is too cheesy and not for you, fine. But after reading a few chapters and then making it a point to comment on a story that you won't read it further, NOT OKAY.

If you don't like the cast I have for Kismat and Vishwaas, fine. But sending me a message saying I have no taste in choosing leads, NOT OKAY.

Please be mindful that I AM A REAL PERSON who has feelings and emotions. The most disappointing this is to spend hours giving you guys an update and then have comments or messages bring down my entire mood. Therefore, I see more hateful comments or messages that don't sit well with me will be reported. I have boundaries and now people are crossing them.

Before I go, I request my lovely reader to stand up for me when you see these comments on the books, don't be mean but just politely ask them to leave, because I want a positive network of people around me, who aren't going to be rude and know how to state their disagreements respectfully. We are all mature here, so we can respectfully take a stand when we see hateful behaviour. This shows me I have support from the friends I've made here.

But of course the messages I'm going to have to deal with myself. But I will not tolerate it for too long and if it gets out of control, I WILL take my books down and they will be for me to hold onto because they are precious to me, they will not be subject to hate.

I know that was long, but I'm not sorry about it because it needed to be said. And honestly, it's common sense that people seem to be lacking and sometimes they just need to be put back into their place.

Be kind, respectful and mature!

Just do the right thing!

I love all my beautiful, loyal readers who have a very special place in my heart. Honestly, you guys are what drives me to do better!


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