My life

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I'm in the hospital again this is stressing me so my mum got me this instead of going to therapy so here we go. I'm Malia I have Leukemia. Leukemia is a cancer of the blood which doesn't sound bad when you hear it but trust me it is. Leukemia begins when healthy blood cells change and grow uncontrollably. I don't really like talking about it so let's not.

my best friend Mariam the only person in school who knows and she comes with me when I have like hospital appointments and stuff she's been there for me like no one ever has but today she had to see her grandma who was really sick so I was by myself. My nurse Layla was the best she always brings me cookies and chocolate when I'm having a bad day and she's a really nice nurse unlike Lana who hates me but I don't care Layla always is there too.

My mum is a busy person she owns a cooking establishment and she tries to come with me but I feel like works more important to her and my dad he's out of the picture he left the day I was born, I think he lives in Hawaii with his new kids and wife but it's fine he doesn't care his first daughter is dying of cancer cause all he thinks about is himself. I'm sorry for not speaking about this I spoke about this a lot.

My appointment is done I'm on the bus to school now and I can't wait to see Mariam and see what she has to tell me about Jose, he's Mexican and her boyfriend of course and they are obsessed with each other like they buy each other gifts everyday in the morning like it's cute and Jesus knows a little about my situation but not that much.

I walk into school three hours late, Mariam and Jose are waiting there for me "hey Malia you okay, how was it, was Lana being a bitch cause if she was I swear." "Hey hey relax Mariam." Jose said covering her mouth "nope I never saw her actually." Mariam puts her arm around me "you feeling okay, we're the medicines okay, did you have anything to eat." "Mariam chill I'm fine okay I had some snacks." She looked at me "Malia you know I love you right." "I love you too Mariam." While we're walking Jose Says "I hate Kayden so much." I agree "same he won't leave me alone." Mariam gets to her classroom "I'll be waiting outside for you like everyday okay?" "Mariam how did I end up with you."

Mariam laughs and walks to her class me and Jose have the same class so we walk together "Malia you know she loves you." Yes Jose I do." "Okay she told me not to tell you, she was crying the last time she went to one of your appointments because you were really stressed and it made her stressed she called me." I didn't even think to ask Mariam always been there I should've checked up on her I thought to myself "shit I didn't even know it's all my fault." Jose looks at me before we go into the class,

"Malia it's not your fault, you guys worry about each other all the time it's what best friends do but try not to stress and she won't stress okay?" I nodded and we walked into the class room. Great I had to sit next to Kayden "hey baby how you feelin?" he says laughing I hate him so much I want to end him,

"Kayden please for one day can't you leave me alone or do you want me that bad." Jose sees us talking "you okay Malia? Is he bothering you again?" I look at him and I laugh "don't worry Jose, Kayden was just missing me." Jose nodded at me and went back on his phone "sooooo Malia question? Me, you, date, tonight?" I punch Kayden in the arm "Ouch that hurt you know." "Well Kayden if you weren't annoying me all the time I wouldn't do that." "Mhm princess you love me just tell me right now I won't judge everyone does."

Then for the rest of the class I ignored him after two whole hours sitting with that child I had a 40 minute break with Jose and Mariam "hey girly." "Hey Mariam." Mariam had a massive smile on his face "what are you so smiley about." She squealed "Jose and I have a surprise for you..." "well go on." I say "me and Jose are taking you out to the fair tonight." My face lit up "NO WAY WERE GOING OUT TO THE FAIR."

Jose smiled as he saw my face then said "well you deserve it me and Mariam always see your passing in school, your doing well with your appointments and you never let your illness get to you." "Aww thanks guys." I hug them both and we walk away to our next class. Little did we know Kayden was listening in behind the door" illness? what is Jose talking about" Kayden thought to himself. I went to the toilet during class because I felt sick I run in the bathroom and Kayden's standing outside I sit in front of the toilet and I start being sick, the medication made me sick sometimes but it wasn't usually red or there wasn't usually that much of it.

Kayden heard me and he ran in the bathroom stall and held my hair back "hey hey it's okay I got you okay." I broke down crying in his arms not realizing who it was after five minutes "are you okay Malia." I was shaking in his arms I got up and nearly fell over "Malia talk to me." "Kayden just leave me alone please." "No Malia tell me what's wrong." I clean my mouth with some tissues, I take my stuff and go straight home leave Kayden there...

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