The new boy in school

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When I got outside I put everything in my bag and went home "hey Malia where are you." Mariam texted me "shit sorry I was sick in the toilets and went home I'll be at the fair for six." And I went to sleep for two hours and it was half five "shit shit I'm not ready." I quickly got ready as soon as I could and I left the house. 

I got to the bus stop and I see Jose and Mariam pulling up "shit sorry guys I was late." I say while getting in the car and then we make it to the fair. I get a bit hungry after going on a few rides so I go to get pancakes at one of the stalls, at the stall I see Kayden "hi can I get two stacks of pancakes please?" He says and before I can order mine he hands me the second one he bought and walked off "Kayden get back here." I say walking up to him "you got free pancakes can you not just appreciate that." I grabbed Kayden by his hair and dragged him to a Corner "take your pancakes and leave me alone." 

I put his pancakes on the table and walk off to Jose and Mariam, "oh my days I hate him so much." "Go on what did he do now. Jose said "first when I was sick in school he followed me and helped me throw up like we were friends and now he buys me pity pancakes oh my lord." Mariam looked straight at him "Mariam don't just leave him." She stands up and Jose gets up and pulls her back "babe relax trust me this week is gonna be a gooood week.

 I had no idea what Jose was talking about but it felt good. After we went on some rides we got in the car and I got a phone call, it was my mum "Malia were are you?" I told her I was out at Mariam's house and she told me to come home soon, we went back to Mariam's and watched a movie and I fell asleep on her sofa. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was throwing up again and Mariam came running. "Hey Malia it's okay just get it all out okay." I cleaned myself up and I told Mariam I was going home "Malia you can't it's four am." "Trust me I'll be fine my house is twenty minutes away from here okay." She gave me a hug and said "call me when you get home."

 And I walked out the door I got near a petrol station so I went inside to get some sweets and a drink for the way home. When I was in the line a boy with black hair and brown eyes was staring at me he looked a lot like Kayden except Kayden was lighter skinned and has blue eyes but this boy he was a dream he had tanned skin and he was much taller then me, he was perfect. As I was leaving this strange boy called my name "Malia right? I'm a friend of Jose's I just moved here." He smiled "oh that's what Joes meant and I quote "this week is gonna be gooood" didn't think he meant you."

 He smirked "what soooo you think I'm hot." I laughed "you caught me." "Here Malia let me take you home I don't want you getting kidnapped before I even get to know you." We walk outside and I see a black Ferrari outside "THIS IS YOUR CAR?!" "Yes ma'am." He said while opening the door. He drove me home and before I left I asked "so you not gonna tell me your name?" "It's Moses but it's spelt Moises." He said smiling "Malia this is going to sound very strange cause we just met and all but can I have your snap?" I grab his phone and type it up then I go "thanks." He says while driving off when I walk in the house I get a text from Moises "goodnight"

 and I start to blush the next morning I get ready and I wear my favorite jumper then Jose, Mariam and Moises come to pick me up "so Malia this is Moises." We both smile at each other and Jose and Mariam look at each other "have you guys already met?" They asked suspiciously, "yes, we met yesterday at the petrol station." Jose laughs "so Malia's the girl you met yesterday." We all laugh and head to school. We all walk in and Moises puts his arm around me "really Moises?" Jesus says weirded out "come on Jesus loosen up I like Malia." 

I chuckle under my breath. I go with Moises to get his timetable and we have all the same classes surprisingly. We walk into class and before we do I stop him "I need to tell you something, I need you to know what your getting your self into." He turns around "it can't be that bad." I look into his eyes and I say "I... I have leukemia and I didn't want..." he stops me and holds my hand "it's okay, I can handle that." He kisses my hand "are you sure because I don't want you to worry about me or anything." "Malia I'm telling you I'm fine I promise."

 Then we walk into class, first we had computing science and it was really boring but Moises liked it then we had English which was easy we just had to do some small planning for future essays we are doing and I helped Moises get everything so he wasn't behind on anything. Then we had a small break and it was back to class and we had a double of bio. Everything was okay till the teacher was talking about different types of cancers and the rate of survival and the words got to my brain so I took my stuff and I ran out of class.

 I went straight to the bus stop to go home I was slowly shaking as I was putting stuff in my bag, then my water bottle rolled on the road as I went to get it a car was coming and I nearly got hit but Kayden came and grabbed me just in time. "Malia are you fucking insane?" "Kayden I didn't ask for your help okay leave me alone." He turns me around from putting my stuff in my bag "Malia I know..."

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