Dinner at Lorelai's Pt. 2

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"Sorry about Sabrina, she kinda just likes to freak people out" Rory said.

Jess just grunted in response, he secretly wished it was the other twin still left in the room. He wanted to bail out of dinner and to him, Sabrina seemed easier to convince, Rory on the other hand, seemed like she would rat him out. Still he decided to give it a shot.

Rory quickly shot down the idea of sneaking out, and instead offered him a soda. He said he would get his own seeing that as a chance to bail out. Once she left the kitchen, he glanced over at Sabrina to try a signal her over but she had a spoonful of mac&cheese shoved in her mouth. He shook his head in disgust forgetting the idea, he didn't need anyone to bail with anyways. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and headed out the back door.


"You're being completely childish" Rory says

"Am not" Lorelai mumbles

"So what, we're just never gonna go into Luke's again?, we're just gonna starve" Sabrina adds

"this was a bad one, okay? This was not Nick and Nora, this was Sid and Nancy, and I'm not going in there." Lorelai puts her foot down

"But the coffee is in there. And it's Danish Day. Are you seriously telling me that you're gonna let a stupid fight get in the way of Danish Day?" Sabrina says almost drooling over the thought of a danish

After Jess fled the scene of last nights dinner , Lorelai and Luke got into a fight over his behavior. The only reasonable action Lorelai saw, was to avoid his diner and make her two daughters go in and order for her. Luke could see right through this plan, mostly because she was standing right outside the glass window, and out of petty revenge only sold enough coffee and danishes for the two girls. Sabrina refused to miss out on Danish Day, so as soon she got out of the diner she headed straight across the street towards her school leaving Rory and her mother to fight it out.


AN: shorter chapter because I wanted to have an entire chapter dedicated to Jess's first day at Stars Hallow High with Sabrina, and to also give them more interactions while still keeping the timeline of the show as accurate as possible. I felt last page was getting to long so I split it up, then realized the next scene is Jess getting back from school and that wouldn't make sense for the scene I had planned out.

Thanks for reading 🫶🫶

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