Chapter one, football games.

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"Mm. There's a place in Tribeca for $3,000" A tall girl with straight blonde hair says as she sits at the table of a convenience store. Next to her sits a girl who's about 5'8 with long blonde hair and warm brown eyes, wearing a short light green sundress with puffy long sleeves. Her name was Clementine Maeve Brown, an NYU sophomore originally from Louisiana taking a road trip with her friends to see a football game. Across from the two girls sits a shorter girl with curly light brown hair.

"Paige, that's still to expensive," The curly-haired girl says. Her name is Carly. "All the money I've saved up won't be enough to cover two months rent. I'm gonna have to work every second I'm not in class until graduation"

"Carly, hun, graduation is two years away," The girl in the sundress says with a teasing smile, her words forming with a sweet southern drawl. At this Carly groans in sheer, painful agony.

"Carls don't even think about not going," Paige threatens, knowing this is a wonderful opportunity for her best friend. Well, one of them. The other was was sitting right next to her.

"I'm not" Carly says defensively.

"Good," Paige says, "Because you know how proud we are of you, right Em?"

"Of course. Listen, Carls, we love you so much and know your internship at InStyle Magasin could lead to great things in your career. So if you need it..." The girl says, trailing off slightly, "We would move up there with you and split the rent"

"Sleepovers every night would be fun," Carly smiled into her palm as she rested her chin on it.

"Screw sleepovers, I want parties!" Paige cheered, "I want drunk Carly, Emmy, and Paige ruling NYC!"

"Ooh, I'd love to see that" A new voice says as he sits down next to Carly and kisses her cheek before saying, "Hey, babe".

"Wade," Carly smiles.

"Sorry, there were these drunk rednecks wrestling in the bathroom," Wade says.

"I find nothing wrong with that," Emmy says, purposely exaggerating her accent and making Wade playfully roll his eyes.

"Wait, really?" Carly asked asked.

"No, there's no rednecks in New York," Paige scoffs slightly. Emmy knew why. Wade kind of annoyed her. But then again Paige couldn't really judge because her boyfriend had a tendency to not pay attention to her. But really none of this mattered because Emmy didn't even have a boyfriend so she couldn't judge and instead opted to depart from the table with Paige, leaving the lovebirds alone.

But Paige abandoned Emmy to go see her boyfriend, leaving Emmy with two decisions. Go make conversation with Carly's scary brother and friend? Or go to the bathroom and touch herself up in the mirror? She chose the ladder.

But before Emmy could get there, her path was blocked.

"Hey" Was all he said.

"Hey Nick," Emmy smiled politely. Nick was Carly's twin brother. Her "evil" twin brother or something, Emmy didn't really know. All she knew was he went to jail and he doesn't smile often so she hasn't made much conversation with him on account of most definitely being a little intimidated.

"I like your dress," Nick complimented. Woah. Okay, Emmy thought to herself, surprised at him showing verbal affection like that.

"Thank you!" Emmy smiled— and a real
one two with teeth. She loved whenever anyone complimented her on her sundresses. "I bought it recently when I went shopping with Paige and Carly— I saw it in the window with the mannequin wearing a large straw hat and I knew I had to buy it. Plus I also bought these small white cowgirl boots to go with it. I really like it because it's not too modern"

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