Chapter four, cars man.

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"So," Bo started as he and Emmy slowly made the trek to his house. "Some friends you've got there"

"Oh I promise they're not that rude, sometimes they just y'know..." Emmy said, struggling to find the correct word to not piss Bo off even more. Because holy shit he was pissed.

"Lack common decency?" Bo provided with a smirk making Emmy both sigh in relief and laugh a little.

"It's the New Yorker in them, all they know how to do is yell hey I'm walking here!" Emmy explained, giving Bo her best New Yorker impression which made him laugh. As their laughs died down a comfortable silence spread over them.

"You mentioned your family before?" Emmy asked, meaning to make small talk.

"Uh...yes" Bo responded awkwardly. "They're certainly... something"

Deciding not to prod, Emmy opted for other light-hearted questions.

"So you're a mechanic?" She asked. Immediately, Bo's mood lifted.

"Yes Ma'am," Bo said, "I know it don't pay much, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Or, well, unless I was offered to be a mechanic elsewhere and it paid more"

"So I take it you like cars?" Emmy laughed, smiling as she saw Bo relax and saw his aggravation from earlier fade.

"Love them. I've been obsessed with them since I was a teenager" Bo said with a boyish smile on his face. "A good ol' truck is my favorite, though I can't quite contain my excitement when I see a tourist roll up in somethin' fancy. I'm guessing you're not all too into cars?"

Though his comment was slightly sexist, Emmy could see how with her very feminine style she didn't look like the type to love cars. And damn she was ready to surprise him.

"Actually," Emmy answered, "I love cars. Growing up my Daddy would buy old pieces of junk and on the weekends we'd fix it up together until it was brand new. My favorite one we did was a 1980 Mercedes-Benz 450SL convertible and as my 16th birthday present he let me keep it so we painted it pink"

Emmy's story sent Bo chuckling as he said, "I wouldn't expect nothing less from you, Clementine"

"Sir, you've known me for three hours max" Emmy teased.

"Oh I think we'll come to know each other much better in the next couple of hours," Bo thought to himself before responding to Emmy's banter. "Sir? I didn't think I was that old"

"No, no you're not I was just kidding" Emmy laughed as she placed her hands on Bo's forearm to shake him playfully. The two continued to make conversation, primarily around the cars they'd both renovated before they eventually made it to the top of a large hill.

Gasping as she looked up, Emmy realized she and Bo had stopped in front of his house. It was a beautiful home made of stone and its yard was sectioned off by slightly overgrown bushes and a white picket-fenced gate.

"It's so pretty," Emmy said as she took in more of the home's architecture and the cute picnic table on the grass.

"Well come on in so we can find y'all's fan belt," Bo said as he politely opened the gate for Emmy to walk through. Upon entering the house, Emmy was met with a decent-sized living room that had open access to a large kitchen and dining room. Inside there was a comfortable homey feeling to the house with some light clutter around and the furniture being dark and slightly antique.

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