Chapter three, Beauregard.

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As Emmy walked, she took in the architecture of the town. The shops and homes were made of now faded brick with vines growing up the sides and trees covering everything except the street in shade. Everything was certainly overgrown, but there was a beauty to the town Emmy could appreciate.

The church she was heading to was at the very end of the road, far from the gas station, giving her time to not only observe the town, but mull over her own thoughts.

Carly and Wade were dating. Paige and Blake were dating. Dalton surely slept around no matter his personality. And she was single. Nick was also single and he'd surely been flirting with her despite also being kind of an ass to her. Or maybe that was him flirting, Emmy didn't know. She could admit Nick was attractive... and his abs were nice, but he wasn't her type. Emmy didn't want a grungy city boy. Honestly, she wanted someone hopefully more mature. She wanted a gentlemanly and chivalrous guy that would take care of her and plan cute little dates every once in a while. That shouldn't be too much to ask, Emmy thought, but back up in New York it was. Honestly, I'd have no problem being with an older guy either. They're more mature, they know what they want more than a frat boy.

Eventually, Emmy was pulled from her thoughts as a slight breeze ran over her body. Weird, because it's summertime in Louisiana. But Emmy brushed it off. There could be cold spells.

Anyways, Emmy eventually reached the small church. But instead of barging right in (cough cough) because she knows how rude it could be if there was a Mass in progress, Emmy stick up ear up against the door to listen. She heard a soft organ playing and a few sniffles, making her realize there was a funeral in progress, explaining why the town was so quiet and all the shops were closed.

Conflicted between waiting outside for someone to leave or just heading to the Wax Museum, Emmy eventually chose the ladder and turned around, walking away from the doors as she realized it'd be rather rude to just jump somebody with a question about finding the owner of the gas station right as they left a funeral.

But, just as Emmy's feet left the church steps and she started walking towards the fence, the door opened, causing Emmy to turn her head back to see a... very tall man in a black suit and black undershirt step out of the doors and lean against the church's side pillar as the door closed. He didn't seem to notice Emmy until,

"I'm sorry" She said, making the man's head lift up in confusion and finally see her. When he did, the two made eye contact and Emmy couldn't help but notice just how handsome he was. Quickly, she felt her face heat up and regretted even saying anything— "For your loss, I mean. I thought I heard a funeral going on in there"

"...Yeah," The man said, "Practically the whole town's in there... we lost someone important to us"

"It's hard when someone who's had such a big impact on your life passes...But I think if they made an impact on the lives of others too, on a community even, it sort of brings everyone together," Emmy said softly, before getting embarrassed. "Sort of makes it easier, I guess... sorry"

"You've nothing to apologize for," The man said as he carefully observed her. And Emmy felt it too. She felt his eyes like they were burning her before he stuck his hand out. "I'm Bo...What can I call you?"

"Emmy," She said, getting shy as she gently shook his hand. Oh my God what is happening to me.

"Now that doesn't sound like a real name," Bo commented as he slowly pulled his hand away. Immediately, Emmy felt the loss of the heat that radiated off of his hand.

"And Bo does?" Emmy teased, giggling. "My real names Clementine Brown"

"Beauregard," Bo said as he let a smile slip onto his face. "You see, you sound like me but I know you're not from 'round here"

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