The Grandline

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Authors note - "····" = Speach '····' = Thoughts (····) = The author :D


(This is a long one peeps! be prepared and enjoy the chapter!)


"Jeez, reverse mountain is still as chaotic as I remember it" Ace rubbed the bump on his head

Reverse mountain had been, a small hassle, to say the least. Quite a few pirates were nursing a bump or two from the wild ride that they went through to enter the Grandline.

"Gurararara! It's been so long I almost forgot reverse mountain!" Whitebeard laughed


"Wah! Luffy! Why are you yelling!" Ace bonked the rubber boy on the head

Luffy seemed unaffected by the blow

"CROCUS! LABOON! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!" Luffy waved towards the base of the mountain where a lighthouse and some sort of giant wall resided

"Is that a friking whale!?" Thatch yelled out

"Shhh! I sense someone coming out of the lighthouse! Keep quiet everyone!" Marco called out

A scarred looking whale slowly came into view as they approached the lighthouse

"Oh, If it isn't the future pirate king!" An old white haired man with a weird head piece came out of the lighthouse

"Hi old man!" Luffy greeted

"What are you doing on that ship?" Crocus questioned "It's quite an accurate replica of the Whitebeard pirate's ship" 

"Yep! It's cool isn't it!" Luffy hung on the railing

"It's very impressive that's for sure, It looks almost identical to the real Moby Dick" Crocus complemented

"Tsk, because it is the real one" Ace whispered

"Shut, not the time Ace, we can't be heard yoi" Marco reprimanded the fire user

Crocus narrowed his eyes towards the ship

The Whitebeard's sweat-dropped slightly

"What are you doing back here in the Grandline, brat? Last I saw from the news coo, you were causing chaos in New World" Crocus turned towards Luffy

The straw-hatted captain jumped down from the ship to pat Laboon on the head

"Ehhh, well, It's kinda weird to explain but, I gotta get back to the New World soon! My crew is probably worried that I've dissapeared for so long" Luffy laughs (he technically shishishi's)

"I won't hinder you any further then, good luck future pirate king" Crocus smiles as he walks back to his lighthouse

"Thanks!" Luffy turns back to Laboon "You take care until I come back with Brook, alright Laboon?

Laboon whistles 

Luffy laughs again and jumps back onto the 'Fake' Moby Dick

"Onwards to Alabasta! I have a friend to meet!" Luffy grins


With eternal poses, the Whitebeard's reached the desired island quite fast

"Alright, I've got the list of what needs to be restocked" Marco said "Thatch, Ace and obviously Luffy, you're coming with me"

"Yosh! Let's go" Luffy begins to run towards the city

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