An Explanation

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Authors note - "····" = Speach '····' = Thoughts (····) = The author :D


(Hi! hi! hope you liked the start of the story! Enjoy!)


Ace was completely confused, what was Luffy doing here? why was he in the New World instead of dawn? he hadn't reached 17 yet! that was still about 5 months away! and WHY IN THE FREAKING HELL DID HE FALL OUT OF THE SKY?!

Ace quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a thud, Luffy had fallen unconscious. He panicked a bit and ran over to his little brother's side.

"Luffy!" spoke Ace "Are you okay? Oi! Luffy! Wake up!" Ace shook Luffy back and forth a few times

The people around the 2 brothers looked confused until Marco spoke out

"Ace, do you know this person yoi?" asked Marco

Ace looked at Marco "Yes, this is my little brother Luffy...I think"

"What do you mean you think? and since when did you have a little brother!?" asked Thatch

"H-he shouldn't be here and..." Ace looked down at the boy in his arms "This scar..."

"That looks nasty" Haruta approached his brothers and the unconscious boy in Ace's arms

"H-he didn't have this scar when I left Dawn, and he looks so much older than he should be..." Ace spoke out with a shaky voice

"Let's just take him from the infirmary, for now, that was quite a fall yoi" said Marco

"O-okay" stuttered Ace


Luffy's eyes fluttered a bit and then, he slowly opened them

"Ugh.." groaned Luffy as he sat up

He looked around the room for a moment before tilting his head

'Where am I? This isn't the Sunny' though Luffy

"Luffy?" He heard someone ask

Luffy slowly turned to an open door where a strangely familiar voice called out for him

He froze for a bit before his eyes went wide in shock

It was Ace

Ace was standing by the door alongside some people he didn't recognize and Whitebeard

but that wasn't important

Ace was standing there

Ace didn't have a huge hole through his stomach

Ace was alive

Ace was alive again

Tears started streaming down Luffy's face

"W-wha! are you okay? you aren't hurt are you?" Ace panicked a bit and immediately ran over to comfort his little brother

Luffy just stayed silent and stared at him still in shock

"L-Luffy?" Ace asked worriedly

Luffy slowly lifted his hand and grabbed Ace's

"Luffy?" Ace asked again

Luffy tightened his hold on Ace's hand and flinched

"You're real..." He said quietly

"Uh, what do you mean Luffy?" Ace was confused now

"You're alive..." said Luffy

Ace was really confused and just stared at his little brother

"Y-you're here...!" Even more, tears started streaming down Luffy's face

Ace was suddenly pulled into a hug

"Luffy...?" Ace tried to break the hug but Luffy refused to let go no matter what happened

Luffy hung on for a few seconds before finally letting go of his older brother

"I can't believe the island mystery power really worked!" screamed out Luffy

"Huh? what island?" asked Ace

"I think Nami said its name was Kurosu-Jikan island" said Luffy

"Does that mean we're in the future yoi?" asked Marco

"I told you the rumors were true Marco!" screamed out Thatch

Whitebeard just chuckled

"Nah, you guys aren't in the future" said Luffy suddenly

The 4 pirates just stared at Luffy for a few seconds before Luffy spoke again

"You guys are still in the past, er- well your present timeline, I'm the one who time-traveled to the past"

There was a moment of silence

"You're Ace's little brother from the future?!" Thatch screamed out 

"How can you be so sure you're the one that time-traveled brat?" asked Whitebeard

"Cuz, you and Ace are still here" said Luffy

"What does us being here prove the fact that you time traveled Luffy?" asked Ace

Luffy stayed silent

"I'd prefer not to say..." said Luffy "I-I might ruin the future"

Ace looked at his little brother concerned, he looked scared, he looked hurt, whatever happened in the future must have affected him in some negative way

Ace looked over at his other brothers and father, judging by their expressions they seemed to have noticed that something must have gone wrong in the future when they saw Luffy's face as well.

"Well, in that case maybe you shouldn't tell us!" exclaimed Thatch breaking the awkward silence

Luffy looked up at him

"Your hair looks like a loaf of bread" said Luffy

"Wha! Hey! my hair does not look like bread!" screamed out Thatch and hugging his hair looking hurt with a pout visible on his face

This made the others in the room to burst out laughing

"PFFFTT! we should call you loaf head from now on!" said a red-headed man with green clothes as he laughed even harder

"Haruta don't you dare!" exclaimed Thatch as he chased his brother out of the infirmary

Luffy looked at the pair leave the room

"Shishishi! your nakama are funny, Ace!" exclaimed Luffy


To Be Continued

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