Author end note

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Thank you so much for reading 'A Cross Between Time'! 

I appreciate all the love I've received on this story.

For new readers who are unaware, this story had actually been discontinued at one point! I had left it for 1 whole year before I decided that this needed a different ending from the one I had planned. 

I'll be honest, this ending wasn't as satisfying as I had planned it out to be. I had a few scenes that I couldn't write out or didn't quite fit. I guess this is what happens when you don't fully plan out what you do haha.

I'll spoil you on some extra stuff that I couldn't write! ;D

-BIG MOM AND KAIDO: I really wanted to write out a scene were Luffy clashed with Big Mom and Kaido! I know it sounds kinda crazy but I had an epic scene in mind! Unfortunately it didn't come to life as that would have taken me planning a whole 'nother chapter or 2, and as epic as the scene would have been, it wasn't worth it.

-SABO: I know some of you readers really wanted Sabo to make a dashing appearance, but alas, he did not. I did consider the possibility of it, don't get me wrong. But as I kept writing, the idea just didn't really fit anywhere.

-ORIGINAL ENDING: As you've read before this story took a different ending from the original. The one I had in mind when I started writing this would have been a lot longer. We would have gone through basically all of one piece and it's arcs. In the end that ending only got to Skypiea.
(I still have all the original chapters of this story in my drafts haha)

-THE OTHER NEW ENDING: If you didn't know I had 2 new endings in mind when I came back to this story. They honestly wouldn't have differed much from each other apart from the very last chapter. The ending you all got was as I like to call it 'Before king' ending. Luffy is still an emperor of the sea and his bounty is at about 3 billion.
The other ending is the 'Pirate king' ending, in which Luffy has reached the status of pirate king and it would've had a great scene of him completing Ace's only regret, not seeing Lufffy become pirate king. I'll leave you readers to imagine this ending how you'd like. (I know what I've imagined hehe, but I'll let your mind run wild)

Well, I think that's enough of that

I've said this already but thank you so much for enjoying my story, this story has taken quite a lot of creativity and twists and turns. In the end I'm glad people have enjoyed reading it. If you have any questions feel free to ask them! 

Thank you for reading
See you in the next story


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