Chapter Two - Beaver the Cow Doesn't Have a Boyfriend, Alright?

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Chapter Two - Beaver the Cow Doesn't Have a Boyfriend, Alright?

Bale quickly became my best friend. After two weeks in Fairway Middle School we were inseperable. Beaver continued to be my nickname, even to the people he introduced me to. Joining our friendship was Michael and Billy B. He never told us what the B stood for.
We all walked around the school together, and, even though we had no classes together (all three of the boys were a year older than me), we stuck together like paper and glue. Or better, because these darned glue sticks aren't doing their jobs.
The guys were like my big brother, as if I didn't have enough of those. With Billy - 18, Jimmy - 17 and Joel - 16, I was the youngest in my house and the baby. My brothers gaurded me like gold, but sometimes I wasn't so precious. The occasional kicking out of rooms and ignoring took place, along with some leaving me out of all the fun. Though, I had to admit, they took good care of me.
The guys and I always ate lunch together, joking and laughing. Lunch had become my favorite part of the day. But not today - today was stupid.
We had gotten to the cafiteria a little late and someone took our table (the one furthest from the Git Group) and we had to sit in the worst table in the whole school (the one right next to the Git Group). Bale and I reluctantly sat there with Michael and Billy B. but we sat with our backs to the girls.
Michael was on face-duty. He was to tell us when the girls looked over at us and started making faces behind our backs, then Bale and I tried to guess which face they were making by mocking them. This made Billy B. and Michael hysterical.
"What's so funny?" Ashley finally asked. Well, more so whined. Of course, to me it always sounded like she was whining. I turned around to face her, without even thinking first. I kind of forgot to put my tongue back in my mouth.
She gasped, as if I had just betrayed her in some impossible way, and said, "You're so stupid, cow!" She calls me cow because she thinks all cows are named Annabelle. She doesn't recognize a beautiful name when she sees one! At least my name is sort of uncommon for girls - everywhere you look there's another Ashley.
"Am not!" I protested.
"Don't call her stupid!" Bale stood out of his seat, wagging his finger at her. Ashley laughed at him, "Did I offend you, Mr. Cow? Sit down, go eat lunch with your girlfriend." Bale's ears turned bright red as he sat back down next to me.
"He's not my boyfriend!" How can she even think that! Me? Kissing Bale? Ew!! I shook my head to get the image out of my mind. That's not something you want to be thinking when you're sitting right next to them.
"Says who?" She was trying to push my buttons. Even Bale could see that. He whispered, "Don't bother. She's not worth it, okay?" I wasn't going to listen to him though. I'd put up with the Git Group for as much as I could take! No one else was making a stand to them.
"Says me! And you're gonna say so too!" I stood up myself. Bale tried to tug my by the arm to sit down, but I shook him off. "No, Bale! She's always so mean to everyone, someone needs to show her she's just being stupid."
"I'm not stupid!" She pounded her fist on the table, making a juice fall over on her tray, which spilled all over her 'new cashmere sweater' she keeps ranting about. "AGH! You! You! You...bitch!" She finally said. Everyone around the table gasped.
My blood boiled to hear her call me that, "I AM NOT! I'M TELLING THE PRINCIPLE!" I turned to storm away, before something hit me on the back of my head, and liquid began to flow down my shirt. I felt my hair and saw she threw a cup of cottage cheese with peeches in it at my head.
I turned back around to face her, she looked terrified. I'm sure she only did that to distract me, and well, it worked. I walked back over, not even thinking about what would happen if I did, but I went ahead and did it. My blood felt like it ran through my veins a thousand times faster as I fulled my arm back and just let her have it.
The next few moments were very blurred to me. Bale grabbed me by the arms and held them behind my back so I couldn't hit her again, Michael and Billy B. were rolling on the floor laughing, teachers flew in every direction and I could hear myself whisper, "I'm in trouble, aren't I?"
"I'm gonna go with a 'yes', Beaver." Bale whispered back.

Authors Notes: Please let me know what you thought about this chapter :) Did you read the description? Are you confused yet? Haha. Well, lemme just say I LOVE comments and feedback, because sometimes it feels like no one is reading my stories. So please, let me know of any mistakes I made, things I should say more about or any suggestions you have.



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