Chapter Twentynine - Dreaming Of What Can't Be

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Only faintly did I remember Harry Lyttle. I know he was the most popular kid in middle school, and I had a crush on him, but other than that I don't know a thing about him. Still, I had to be polite and smile like I remembered him. Isn't that what you do with everyone? "Oh, hey, Harry."

Harry smiled back to me, "Hi, Annabelle. How has the city life been?"

God, this question is getting annoying. Everyone thinks just because I've lived in the city with my mom for the past 6 years that I'm one of those Prada Prits you see on Sex and the City. Truth is, I don't think I've changed at all. I like fishing, I want to try hunting sometime, I tried riding a horse within seconds of coming back and I'm a cowboy's girlfriend. (Okay, that last part doesn't prove anything. Every girl wants a hot cowboy.) To answer Harry, I just told him the things I told Bale, Michael, and Billy B. the night they all asked me the same question; I'm the same girl they knew several years ago, just a little bigger. Just when I was finished telling him though, I found myself saying something I hadn't told the others, "I like living here a lot more though. I may just stay."

Beside me, I felt Bale tense up a little, so I looked up to him. Instead of looking upset though, he was smiling to himself. "Really?" He asked.

I only smiled and turned back to Ashley and Harry. "Well it's good to have you back." Harry smiled. "If you'll excuse me, I'll take my soon-to-be-wife to dance."

As they walked away, I let out the breath I seemed to be holding in; the way I do whenever I'm meeting someone I don't know. "That was weird." I hissed as I let out the air from my lungs.

Bale chuckled and threw his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. "Well now that that's over, how about another dance?"

Morning light spread through the blinds, gently laying over my eyes. Like a small child, it poked at me until I woke up. Staring up at the vanilla ceiling, covered in sunlight, I frowned. On such a beautiful day, why would I frown? Well, it's because of the dream.

The dancing was real, the party was real, and so was kissing Bale yesterday... But that, that could never be real, could it? I sat up and looked down to my side where Hazel lay, snoring a little with her hair matted in her face. She obviously had a good time last night. I thought about pushing her out of the bed; maybe the fall would wake her up, but instead I just started lightly punching her side. "Hazel, get up!" I demanded.

Hands flailed up until they found my face and covered my mouth, eyes and nose. "SHHHHHHSHSHSHSHSHHH....sleep." Hazel groaned.

I tore her hands off my face and hovered over her, "Get up! I need to talk to you about something!"

"Alright fine... tell me in three hours." With that, she pulled the covers over her head and went back to sleep. I sat there, wondering what would get her out of bed. I had to talk to her about this; I was confused and Hazel was always good with relationships. This is my first; I have no clue what I'm doing. "Fine," I sighed. "I guess I'll jut have to wait to tell you I met Harry again..."

"...Harry Potter?" Her muffled voice asked.

"...Yes, Harry Potter." I rolled my eyes.

We both sat there for a moment before Hazel unearthed from the covers and looked at me, confused, through strands of her dark curly hair. "Okay, what the hell are you talking about?" She asked.

"You remember when we met, I told you about a kid Harry Lyttle? He was my crush in middle school?"

Realization flooded over her face. She then continued to sit up and ---- I'm not sure how ---- bounced a foot into the air on her butt, grabbing my hands and asking every possible question she could think of. "Is he still cute? Do you love him again? Did you dance with him? Is he nice? Is he sweet? Did you get his number? We have to call him now! I mean how many Harry's are their in Tennessee!" She squealed, grabbing the phone book she had slid under the bed and started flipping through the pages.

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