Chaptter Eleven - Bus Station Fights

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Chapter Eleven - Bus Station Fights

"Where is she, Daddy?" I asked, looking through the croud of people at the bus station. God, there were so many people here! And I haven't seen Momma in a long time... I almost forgot what she looked like.
Daddy kept staring straight ahead with his hands in his pockets, not looking down at me. He kept frowning and sniffing hard, looking like he was trying to hold back a sneeze. I was gonna ask him if he was okay, before he pointed straight ahead, "There."
I looked back around and saw a tall woman with long blonde hair, colored in brown highlights. Her brown eyes didn't match my blue ones, but then again, I got Daddy's eyes, not hers. She was wearing a dress suit, with black high heels and a brief case. Her eyes scanned the room, then when she saw me, she smiled wide and ran over in her heels. I ran to her too, meeting her halfway. "Silly Belly, I missed you so much!" She squeeled, giving me the biggest hug ever. I almost couldn't breath! But I hugged her back just as hard. "I missed you too, Momma."
Our hug lasted for so long, she almost didn't notice Daddy walking over with my suitcase, my favorite pillow, and a small bag of pictures and things I wanted. "Hey, Darcy." Daddy's voice said, still low. He didn't look as mad, instead he had on a small smile for my Momma.
Momma stood up straight and turned me to her side, holding her arm around my shoulders, not wanting to let go of me. "Hi, Jim. How are you?"
"I'm doin' just fine."
"Where's the boys?" She asked excitedly, looking behind Daddy for my big brothers. Daddy frowned, "They're in the truck. They didn't want to come in."
Momma's smile faded as she nodded knowingly. Why didn't they want to come in? "Well, tell them I said hello, and I miss them." She said, he eyes shining a little.
Daddy nodded, "I sure will." We stood there for a moment; me looking back and forth to my frowning parents, both looking down at the floor. Gosh, they were so different. Momma in her business outfit, and Daddy lookin' like an original cowboy in his straw hat, ripped jeans, plaid shirt and boots. It made me smile.
Daddy looked at me and smiled back. Though he was smiling, his eyes looked so sad. "I guess y'all better get goin', huh?" He asked, his voice not so strong anymore.
Momma nodded then kneeled down in front of me, "Baby, go get on the bus and save us a spot, okay? Take your stuff with you." She smiled as Daddy handed me my suitcase and things.
"Okay." I turned to Daddy, setting down my stuff. Though we had already said our goodbyes, including the boys, crying and hugging, I gave Daddy the biggest hug I could ever give. I felt my eyes fill up with tears and spill over, too big to blink back. "I love you, Daddy."
Daddy kneeled down and hugged me too. I felt wetness on my shoulder, "I'm gonna miss you so much, baby doll. I love you. Take care of yourself, and come visit me soon." He said. Before he let go, he sniffed and wiped his eyes.
I nodded to him and wiped my eyes too, getting my things and walking away. Walking away from my daddy, walking away from my big brothers, walking away from my friends. If it wasn't for this last thought, I would have turned around and ran back into Daddy's arms; I was also walking away from Ashley.

When I sat in the bus, saving a seat for Momma and watching her and Daddy talk out the window, I noticed Daddy's face turn red as he talked and Momma throwing her hands around wildly. They were fighting.
Daddy started getting a little louder, I could tell by the way he moved, but I couldn't hear anything they said. Momma stomped her foot and pointed in my direction, yelling something back to him, then pointed to the door; gesturing towards the boys. Daddy just put up his hands and walked away from her, leaving Momma saying something. Well, yelling something. She finally huffed and stomped away, getting on the bus and plopping down next to me, frustrated.
"What were you and Daddy fighting about?" I asked quietly after a few minutes of heated silence.
Momma turned to me surprised, "Who said we were fighting, sweetie?"
I looked up at her. Though she was trying to look calm, her face was still red. "I'm not stupid."
Momma bit her bottom lip and just shook her head, "It's nothing, honey." She looked around for something to talk about, but ended up pulling a book out of her brief case. As she began reading it, she asked, "Are you excited to move to the city?" without looking at me.
"I don't know anymore." I mumbled, looking out to window to see if I could see Daddy still while he walked back out the door. I couldn't.

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