Chapter Twentysix - Riverside Wonders

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A/N: I'm trying to improve my writing, so please let me know if it's improved or if it's worse. It would meant the world to me! :)

I tried to make little noise as I crept up the stairs after Mr. Sage let me inside. He was already drinking his first cup of coffee of the morning when I arrived. This wasn't the first time I've come to this house at tne till six in the morning. Countless times I've gone fishing with Mr. Sage, only now I was asking for her daughter instead of him. Jim didn't seem to mind though, he only nodded towards the stairs and warned me how hard it will be to wake Annabelle up.

I thanked him before heading towards the stairs and trying my best to creep up the squeaking starcase unheard. Everyone else was asleep still, and I wanted it to stay that way. I knew it was selfish, but I didn't want to wake anyone. Especially Joel ---- Though he may be the youngest of the guys, he's the most protective over his little sister. I just knew if he found out, he would invite himself and make sure I didn't try anything. Not that anything will happen... Unless Annabelle wants me to.

No, I shook my head, clearing those thoughts away just as fast as they'd come, nothing will happen. It's only fishing, nothing more.

Though I knew that wasn't the end, I went straight to Annabelle's room. I noticed immediately Annabelle was the bed hog out of these two friends. Poor Hazel was already on the far edge of the bed and was continuing to be pushed by her friend. The covers were tangled around Annabelle's legs, a sign she doesn't hold still in her sleep. This sight made me chuckle.

She's so adorable. Even in her sleep she's not like any other girl.

I shook my head, still smiling, and continued on, walking to the side of her bed. "Pst, Annabelle... Annabelle..." I nudged her shoulder, making her eyes flicker a bit behind their lids.

Less than a minute of this and she was awake. Her eyes didn't open, but she groaned, "What do you waaaaant?!" Annabelle quickly pulled the sheet, wrapped several times around her leg, over her head.

"Well, I'd like to go fishing with my best friend," I whispered into her ear.

The small sliver of her face I could see, uncovered by the sheet, a smile crept over her face. The sheet slowly retreated and we were both smiling at each other. "What time is it?" She asked after a moment of this.

"Almost six in the morning."

"Too early." She pouted, making my heart swell.

"I have to go this early. The fish are eating breakfast at this hour."

Annabelle rolled onto her back with another groan and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her small hands. I imagined how they well they would fit inside mine. My hands are probably huge compaired to hers. "What's for breakfast?" Her melodic voice asked.

Kneeling bedife her bed on the floor, I raised a bucket of worms I had been holding. Annabelle glanced at it and grimaced, "Poor worms."

That's Annabelle for you. She doesn't think 'ew', she thinks about the safety of the worms. I chuckled and set them back down, "You should get ready." I whispered. "Before the fish decide against the worms too."

Annabelle nodded and rolled out of bed, her feet smacking against the wood floors I remember installing with her dad years ago. In her shorts and tank top, I could see her body move under her skin; something like a tigeress. There was something about her that made me stop and take in her beauty every time I saw her. I bet she could wear a potato sack and still look like a Hollywood model.

I grinned as I stood up, watching her close the door of the bathroom behind her, then walked back downstairs to wait for her. Mr. Sage was drinking his second cup of coffee when I sat down. "I'm surprised," He admitted. "I thought the sun would be in the middle of the sky by the time you woke her up." We both chuckled and sat there. I joined in on his third cup of coffee and continued to wait for Annabelle.

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