(2) Forced

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"hyung...You could've called me..."

Sunoo said looking at Jimin who tiredly sat on the sofa...

"I didn't wanted to disturb you..."

Jimin replied closing his eyes...Sunoo sat besides him looking down at his lap...

"But still..."

Jimin noticed his brother's tone and opened his eyes...

"What happened?"

Sunoo shook his head...making jimin sigh

"You're not good at lying..."

Jimin folded his hands looking at his little brother with a stern gaze

"I....I feel like a burden to you...My school fees...My tuition fees...books and all these things are so much expensive...you work hard all day to get some money but you don't spend even a bit on yourself..."

Jimin's gaze softened...He engulfed his brother in a hug...

"Yah who said you're a burden to me? You're the best thing that has ever happened to me...And i didn't call you because I know you have exams next week..."

Jimin broke the hug and flicked sunoo's forehead...

"And don't think about expenses with this small brain of yours...You just study...ok?"

They both chuckled and sunoo nodded...


Jimin was at his job...He was told to look after the customers today instead of going out to deliver...He saw a young rich looking handsome guy in a suit with his hair pushed back and sunglasses on coming in..He was around his brother's age...Jimin bowed and asked

"What would you like to order"

"I'm not here to buy something...I am Jay...and my boss told me to take you to him...please come with me.."

That guy named Jay said catching jimin off-guard...

"Excuse me?"

"Um...let me make it easy for you...The man you called stuck up suit guy yesterday wants to meet you...So please come with me..."

Jimin's eyes widened

"WHAT? That guy wants to kill me?!"


"I'm going to die??? OMG! Please leave me...I have a little brother...I have to pay his fees and his exams are coming next we-"

"Park jimin...Sir...he is waiting for you at your house...Now please co-operate...We can't make him wait for too long"

Jimin had no choice but to go with this guy...If he runs away...Then that man is waiting at his house...What if he do something to his father...Min can't take any risk when it comes to his family...No matter however he is...He's still his father


Jimin didn't knew how he ended up in such a situation...He saw the street filled with black expensive cars...As soon as the car he was sitting in, stopped...He went out and ran inside his house...

He saw many men in black suits with guns in their hands inside his house...From the entrance to the living room...They were everywhere

In the living room...He saw that man sitting and sipping onto his wine while jimin's appa sitting besides him smiling...

"What are you doing in my house?"

Min asked...That's when taehyung noticed his presence...

"Oh hello darling... Remember me?"

"Who gave you permission to enter my house!"

Jimin yelled but was cut off by his appa

"Jimin! Is that how you speak to your guests?"

taehyung smirked and kept his glass at the table infront of him...
Jimin ignored his appa and said

"Listen mister...If you think i ran away from there yesterday because I was scared of you then you're wrong...I ran away because I had to stop my dad from drinking"

"Jimin shut u-"

"I'm not afraid...You can kill m-"


Jimin's appa stood up raising his voice


"Yes jimin...He's going to marry you"

"Appa how...How can I marry him?"

"Why not? He gave me millions of dollars...just to marry you"

Jimin felt his heart twist...Did his dad just sold him?

"I'm not going to marry him"

"You have to"


"Jimin...Listen...Our life's going to be settled after your marriage...I can drink all i want...Sunoo can study in his dream University..."

"No appa! I can take care of sunoo...Trust me...I'll work hard for us...Please don't do this"

"I am sorry jimin...I don't have any other choice...You have to marry him...He's giving us money"

Tears welled up in jimin's eyes...

What kind of father are you?

Jimin wanted to say this to his father but words were stuck in his throat...He couldnt utter a single word...He suddenly heard a deep voice from behind

"You think I'm here for this drama? Pack your important stuff...I have more important things to do"

"I'm not coming with you!"

"What did you say? You will not go with him?"

Jimin's dad said and went to the kitchen grabbing a knife and putting it near his throat

"Fine then...I will slit my throat..."


Jimin panicked while tae smirked

"Either go with him or else I will kill myself..."

"No please appa...Don't do this"



Jimin said under pressure...He heard that same deep voice again

"Very well...Now that you've accepted it...I want you to pack your stuff and come out in 5 minutes..."

Taehyung said coldly and walked past Min who sobbed and fell on the floor hoping his father would deny the offer but his dad showed no sign of sympathy...


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