(16) escape?

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It's been a week since jimin was kidnapped and He was kept away from both misa and taehyung's mother...In a seperate room...He had been tied to a chair just like kenji was kept...


Taehyung had spent a week planning his infiltration of his enemy's territory. He had scouted the area, studied the guards' routines, and even bribed a few informants for intel.

But he knew that the most important part of his plan was the underground tunnel that he had discovered. It would allow him to enter the yakuza's territory undetected and avoid any security measures on the surface...

He will go from the tunnel and save his mother and misa first who were tied in one room...He will guide them towards the tunnel and they will escape from there...Jay would be standing at the entrance of the tunnel...Then he will go towards jimin's room...And help him escape...That was his plan...


As he approached the entrance to the tunnel, Taehyung felt a rush of adrenaline...

"I'll let you know when to send the other guards"

Taehyung told Jay... He checked his weapons one last time before descending into the darkness...

The tunnel was narrow and cramped, with damp walls and a musty smell. Taehyung had to crouch down low to avoid hitting his head on the low ceiling.

He moved slowly and cautiously, listening for any sounds that might indicate that he had been detected. But all he could hear was the sound of his own breathing and the dripping of water from the ceiling.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Taehyung saw a faint light ahead. He knew that he had reached his destination.

He emerged from the tunnel into a small room, which appeared to be some kind of storage area. There were crates and boxes stacked up against the walls, and a few guards standing watch.

Taehyung drew his silenced pistol and took aim at the guards. He fired two quick shots, taking them down before they could raise the alarm.


Jimin's eyes flickered open, his head pounding from the blow he had received. He tried to move, but quickly realized that he was tied to a chair.

He looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. The room was dimly lit, with only a single bulb hanging from the ceiling. There were no windows, and the walls were made of concrete.

Jimin's heart began to race as he heard footsteps approaching. He strained against his restraints, but they held fast.

The door opened, and a man entered the room. He was tall and muscular and had a mask on his face...The man quickly shut the door behind him

Jimin recognized him...It was TAEHYUNG!

Taehyung hurried over to him and began to untie the ropes that bound him...


Jimin gasped...He just wanted to hug him and cry...But this was not the right time...

"We have to move quickly.. yakuza will be back any minute."

"What about eomma nim and misa?"

"They're fine...They already escaped...So hurry"

Jimin nodded, wincing as Taehyung's fingers brushed against the bruises on his wrists...

Taehyung looked at the bruises worriedly...

"How are we going to get out of here?"

Jimin asked...And taehyung held his hand gently

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