(13) Shot

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"Jay! Grandpa is cal-"

Jimin stopped at the entrance of Jay's room when he saw him wiping his tears hurriedly...

Jay turned to look at Jimin and smiled nervously...

"Yes hyung?"

"Were you crying?"


"This is not a question you're supposed to answer with another question"

"Uh...No hyung i was not crying"

Jay gave jimin, who was still looking at him suspiciously, a smile

"Ok...If you say so...Grandpa was calling you"

"O-Oh...Okay...Let's go"


Jimin sighed annoyed at his own thoughts...No matter how much he tried ignoring last night's thoughts...They keep coming back again and again...


He held his hair

"Stop thinking about him!!!"


Jimin's eyes widened when he heard a deep husky voice from behind...

He turned around and saw his devil husband

"N-No one"

Taehyung narrowed his eyes...not liking the answer he got...He came close and stood in front of jimin...Leaning in a bit

"Who, jimin?"

"Yo....Yohan! Yes! Yohan"

Taehyung frowned and raised one eyebrow...

"My...My bestfriend! From high school!"

"And why were you thinking about him?"

"Oh...I was....Because...He....He had a crush on me! Haha...Hahahahah...Yeah...He was crazy about me...We used to be together all the time...And...And we ev-"

"Shut up...Don't talk about him infront of me"

Taehyung said rolling his eyes

"Why not?"

Jimin asked but shut his mouth as soon as he saw taehyung's glare...

"Get ready...We have a business party to attend in an hour"

Taehyung ordered and left without even listening anything else

"He is bipolar or what"


"Boss! He is attending today's party"

A guard told the man sitting on the chair

The man smirked


Jimin was charming everyone with his smile at the party, while Taehyung stood quietly by his side, observing the crowd with his cold eyes...

As they made their way through the room, a guy approached them, eager to talk to Jimin...

"Hey...Jimin right? I'm hyun woo...The owner of Jung enterprises"

Taehyung watched as Jimin laughed and chatted with them. But every time someone got too close to Jimin, Taehyung felt annoyed...

He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way...

Taehyung tried to ignore his feelings and focus on the conversation, but it was difficult. He kept stealing glances at Jimin, watching as people touched his arm or leaned in close to him.

Finally, the guy left, leaving Jimin and Taehyung alone again. Jimin turned to Taehyung with a smile on his face...But it faded as soon as he saw taehyung's cold face...

"Did you have fun talking to them?"

Tae asked...

Jimin nodded stiffly.

"Yeah, it was fine."

But Jimin could tell that something was off. He placed a hand on Taehyung's arm.

"Are you okay? You seem a little tense."

"I'm fine, we should leave now"

Jimin didn't seem convinced, but he didn't push the issue. Instead, he nodded as it was already late and only a few people were left


A sniper was laying on the top of a building when he heard a voice in his ear piece

"Did they came out?"

"No boss not yet...But don't you worry...I'll contact you when the task is completed"

"You better"

The man hung up...After a few minutes...The sniper saw taehyung coming out along with another guy...
He smirked and set the target...

"Kim taehyung...Rest in peace"

He murmured


As taehyung and jimin came out together...Jimin couldn't help but feel uneasy...

"Taehyung I-"

Before jimin could speak anything taehyung's phone rang...It was Jay...Why was he Calling this late?


"H- Li- Ru-"

"Hello? Jay? I can't hear you..."

The phone got disconnected suddenly...

Meanwhile jimin sighed and randomly looked up at the top of the building in front of the hotel they came from...

His eyes widened when he saw someone there with a long black thing...It took him a second to realise that it was a gun...He saw a similar thing when he went to Taehyung's basement....Meanwhile taehyung frowned when he saw a ant sized red dot on his chest...Before he could think something he heard


Jimin yelled and Without hesitation, he threw himself on taehyung facing him...Flinching and tightening his grip on taehyung as he felt something hit him on the back...

Taehyung, who was shocked held jimin's waist and felt some thing on his hand...He look at his hand and saw blood...His eyes widened


Jimin heard taehyung Calling his name but he couldn't reply because the pain was unbearable...He tried to keep his eyes open but failed to do so...

The last thing he felt was falling on the ground along with Taehyung kneeling down...Having him in his arms...



The sniper cursed as he saw crowd gathering there...
What was he going to tell yakuza now...!


Some men surrounded them...
The call! Jay was trying to warn him about this! Taehyung again looked at jimin...Patting his cheeks lightly


Tae saw some tears coming out of jimin's closed eyes


Taehyung yelled loosing his patience as he looked at jimin again calling him...The man ran to get a car

Taehyung felt jimin's breathing getting slower



Taehyung watched jimin's unconscious body laying on the strecher...

He was taken to the operation theatre...The door of the ICU shut and the orange bulb lit up...

Taehyung fisted his hands...His anger was beyond limits...
Messy hair, Eyes red...He was fuming...The fire within him burning...


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