chapter 5

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it was after the game and jamie was still in shock that the reese woods was at his game. he had no idea she was coming until trevor had pointed her out while they were warming up for the game. it was really hard for jamie to fully focus during the game knowing there was a certain blonde girl watching him. he was hoping that the ducks would win with her being there, but the game did not go in their favor.

"why didn't you tell me you invited reese woods to our game? a heads up would have been nice," jamie gave trevor a little push. they were in the locker room getting ready to leave.

trevor laughed, "where's the fun in that?" jamie rolled his eyes at his best friend. trevor added, "oh, by the way, you're meeting her soon like once we walk out the locker room."

jamie's eyes widen and his jaw dropped. mason had joined them at this point and saw jamie's facial expression, causing him to join trevor in laughing. jamie pointed an accusing finger at mason and said, "let me guess, you knew about this too, didn't you?"

mason placed a hand on jamie's shoulder and smiled, "of course i did!"

"you guys are such assholes," jamie mutter under his breath.

trevor fired back, "hey! i heard that! you won't be complaining about this in a few minutes!"

jamie hoped trevor was right. he also couldn't tell if trevor was just messing with him about meeting reese. there's no way that trevor actually got her to agree to meet him. jamie then started to wonder what exactly he said that got her to come. he never knew what trevor was scheming and that worried him.

jamie said to trevor, "there's no way you pulled this—" he was cut off by mason opening the door.

"you must be reese woods!" mason exclaimed as the door was starting to shut. jamie still wasn't buying it. he was thinking his friends were pranking him.

jamie heard a girl respond, "that's me! are you the guy trevor wanted me to meet?" he looked at trevor in utter shock. holy shit, he did actually get her to stay.

"you weren't kidding," jamie said in disbelief.

trevor asked, "why did you ever doubt me?" jamie shrugged as trevor continued, "now, come on, you gotta girl you need to meet!"

next thing jamie knew, he was being pushed out of the locker room without a warning. he stumbled out, completely unaware of his surroundings. he gained his composure and saw mason talking to reese and her friend.

"nice of you to join us, jamie! this is reese," mason winked at jamie.

"uhh, hi. i'm jamie," he awkwardly greeted the two stunning girls in front of him. he stuck his hand out for the two of them to shake which they thankfully accepted. that could have been really awkward.

reese responded, "so i've heard. your friend over here was just telling me all about you. all good things, i promise." mason gave jamie a thumbs up and smiled. if the girls weren't here, jamie would have already killed mason.

"oh, i'm willow. just in case you didn't know already," she introduced herself.

jamie smiled, "it's nice to meet you, both of you!"

suddenly, trevor joined the group and inserted himself in between mason and jamie. he slung his arms around the two of them. "so, who's ready to have a fun night at our place?" trevor announced.

"i didn't realize we were going anywhere else," willow quirked an eyebrow at reese.

jamie quickly said, "you guys don't have to come if you don't want to. don't let trevor pressure you guys." jamie was mentally cursing himself for saying that. he was stupid when it came to girls sometimes.

reese asked jamie directly, "do you want us to come?" mason and trevor's heads turned to look at jamie, both grinning at him and nudging him to respond.

"of course," jamie gulped.

trevor clapped his hands together, "perfect! let's get going!" the rest of what trevor said was a blur to jamie. all he could think about was what the hell did trevor get him involved in.

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