chapter 13

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"how the fuck is there a news article about me and jamie?" reese ranted to willow while pacing back and forth in her room. she had a great time with jamie and didn't regret hanging out with him, but was getting annoyed at all the negative attention she was receiving. she was also pissed that austin was getting dragged into this as well. reese was still trying to figure out who on earth would have cared enough to have alerted a magazine about her whereabouts.

willow, who was watching reese from her bed, tried to calm reese down, "hey! it's okay! everything will be alright! i'm sure all of this will blow over in no time!" unfortunately, reese was still pacing around the room.

"what if jamie hates me and never wants to hangout with me again? what if he's mad at me?" reese was thinking out loud. willow rolled her eyes, reese worried far too much for her liking. it annoyed her even more when reese didn't have the full story.

"this is just a thought and all, but have you even tried to ask jamie how he felt about all of this? you know, have you talked to him since the news article was released?" willow questioned, despite the fact that she already knew the answer.

reese stopped in her tracks and faced willow, "no, i haven't because i don't have jamie's number." she then continued her nervous antics.

"oh my gosh reese, just stand still!" willow shouted. this immediately caught reese's attention and she followed orders. reese took a seat next to willow on her bed. willow continued, "thank you! now, you may not have jamie's number but you know someone who has it."

reese's eyes lit up as she said, "trevor!" willow smacked her hand against her head. she loved her best friend, but sometimes she could really fell under the stereotypical blonde. other times, she was the smartest person in the room.

willow watched reese type away at her phone. she noticed reese stopped when her phone started ringing. reese looked panicked and unsure of what to do.

"what's wrong?" willow asked.

reese furrowed her eyebrows, "i asked trevor for jamie's phone number and now he's trying to facetime me."

"we don't question things when it comes to trevor so just answer it!" willow shouted.

the blonde girl pressed accept and was taken back by the image on her screen. trevor and mason were on the other side with questioning looks.

"why do you want jamie's phone number?" mason asked.

reese was about to reply when trevor cut her off. "better yet, why don't you already have jamie's phone number?" trevor questioned.

"first of all, why am i being interrogated? shouldn't you guys be happy that i want his number?" reese responded without answering any of their questions.

"we're ecstatic! we just want to know your intentions with our little jamie," trevor explained.

willow muttered, "they sure have an odd way of expressing it." reese nodded her head in agreement. these boys didn't make much sense.

"what was that, willow?" mason yelled through the phone.

reese rolled her eyes, "what willow said doesn't matter."

"you still need to answer our questions," trevor quirked an eyebrow while mason grinned. they were actual toddlers.

reese huffed, "you guys are ridiculous!" she would have assumed they would have known why she wanted jamie's number phone. maybe they were slow. she continued, "well, i don't have jamie's number because neither one of us ever asked for it. i would like his phone number so i can text him and ask how he's doing after the news article came out."

mason turned to trevor and jokingly asked, "do you think she's telling the truth?"

"hmm i think so. i mean, her reasoning seems legit," trevor concluded.

"just give me the damn phone number!" reese yelled. willow's eyes went wide. reese has rarely ever raised her voice. 

mason and trevor looked at each other with fear. "okay, geez! give me a second and i'll send you his contact! no need to yell," trevor joked. soon enough, reese saw that a text from trevor had popped up at the top of her screen. 

she grinned, "see, now was that so hard!" before either one could even reply, she hung up on them. immediately, reese put jamie's contact into her phone and started to type a message up. she was feeling a little nervous and deleted the entire message. willow noticed the stress in reese's face. 

"did you just delete an entire paragraph?" willow asked. reese shyly nodded. willow stuck her hand out and demanded, "give me your phone. i'll type the first message, but the rest of the conversation is yours."

reese handed willow the phone and said, "deal."

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