Slashers with a s/o who is scared of the dark

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He will not care at first. That is until you start to cry. He would walk up to you and pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and bring you to your shared bedroom.
There, he will hold you close and stroke your hair. He will make sure that you feel safe.

He's used to the dark and will be confused on why you're scared. He will complain about you being 'over dramatic' and how you can't take care of him if you're scared like that. He'll soon come around though and will hold you. Or he will bring you to the piano and play you a song to try and calm you down.

Billy and Stu-
Stu will be allll over you. He's got the snacks, movies, drinks, games, cuddles, everything you could ever want! He's main goal is to make you laugh and smile. Billy on the other hand would hide around corners and try to scare you. He had scared you one time and you ended up falling to the ground and you started to cry. He felt so bad that he never did that again and would instead he would tell you stories and play with your hair.

Billy L.-
Welp, that makes both of you. I mean, yeah he lived in the attic but he kept a candle or the lights on at all times! He actually runs to you for comfort when it's too dark for his liking. Seeing you scared too makes him even more scared. It's just an endless cycle of fear honestly. 😅

He would make sure to keep lights on at all times. He doesn't believe that the tv should stay on while you two sleep so instead he has bought you a nightlight that sits but your head while he holds you from behind so that you know you're safe. And of course he'll ask about it and would want to know why you're scared of the dark. It's his job after all.

Like Micheal, he wouldn't really understand why but he would still wanna help. This sweet boy will light candles and would sit you in his lap and would rock you like a baby. He would hun the words of songs that his mother used to sing to him when he was a baby. Anything and everything to make you feel safe and happy.

He feels bad for you. He gets so worried and so nervous when he sees just how scared you are. He wouldn't ask you why, not wanting to pry but he'll make you tea and make sure to always have candle lit or a lamp in the dark parts of your room.

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