Important A/N

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Okay so I know I haven't been writing for a while and I believe you guys deserve to know why. So, for some background, my grandpa had been diagnosed with lung cancer about two and half years ago and we were told he wouldn't be able to get better about a couple months ago. Recently, he's been getting worse and worse. Today I went up to my grandparents house with my mom and we were told he has about a week if not less. I've been crying and what not because, even though he's ready to go, I'm not ready to see him leave. He's not just my grandpa but also like my dad. He's raised me, taught me things, made me feel like I had someone when I felt so alone. He's my rock. And now that he's going soon, I just don't know what to do.

This is just a heads up if you guys don't see me writing for a long while, you now know why. But don't be surprised if I do write because, even if this is some stupid thing about slashers and self inserts, it's like an escape for me. And knowing that so many people enjoy my 'work' always makes me feel better. So, thank you. All of you. For everything. Till next time I write I guess lol

— Your amazing, beautiful, best, author, me.
Thank you.

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