Slasher with a s/o who has Insomnia

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I just had this idea because I CANT FUCKING SLEEPPPPP. IM SO TIRED HELP ME.


Michael doesn't care? At least he acts like he doesn't. He'll leave you to whatever the fuck your doing and go to bed without you. But after a few hours of him in bed alone, you'll soon find yourself no longer alone. He's lurking around you, just hovering and watching you. It's his way of saying, get your ass to bed; without actually forcing you to go. If he's really tired and you're just not getting the hint, he'll come over it you and grab your arm before dragging you to the bedroom. Bros tired man. He won't force you to sleep, he just wants you there while he does. That's it.

Baby no. You can't. I'm sorry, but you're not allowed. And he doesn't wanna hear excuses. You and him sleep in the same bed every night around the same time. If you dare to disturb the schedule, he will have a full blown melt down, babe. Like tears and sobbing and breaking shit. He likes his routines. Not to mention the fact you can't take care of him if you are tired all the goddamn time 🙄. You need to sleep, weither you do it or he forces you to. He won't hurt you, just complain as he holds you close and rubs your back, and whatever else he deems necessary to get you to sleep.

Billy and Stu-
Billy's a night owl while Stu, not so much. Don't get me wrong, Stu can stay up and party all night long but if it's just sitting in the bedroom and doing practically nothing all night? He's asleep by 10pm. The boy just gets bored, alright? Billy can entertain himself with simple things. He'll find something to do. Hell, he has debated which one of you would survive a zombie apocalypse, by himself. For an hour. In his fucking head. He's fine. The problem comes when you can't sleep when you're very clearly tired. That worries them. Stu tries his best to keep up with you and stay awake long enough to see you go to sleep (he always fails). Stu will hold you and mutter about nothing in particular, just trying to bore you like he gets bored, hoping you'll fall asleep. When that doesn't work, Billy takes over. You'll be called a dumbass a few times throughout the night and will probably have to hear him complaining about how you won't just go to sleep. But eventually he will try to help. Giving back rubs, cuddles, humming, massages, whatever the guy can think of. He just doesn't want you to be tired cause you being tired means you can't pay 100% attention to the two of them. (I know that would equal 200%, relax my guy 😘)

Billy Lenz-
If you don't know where this one is gonna go, I think you might need to.. leave? 🤯 idk bruh but it's kinda obvious 🙄
Billy will definitely not notice for the first few times you can't fall asleep. Even though you two will be cuddling and he's used to you sleeping before him so he can stare at you as you sleep; he won't notice for some reason. Just assuming you had more energy then usual. But when you start yawning during the day and your eye bags have become more visible, he will become more aware of it. Well, as aware as Billy Lenz can possibly get. He'll question you and frown as you explain. Mostly because he doesn't like you being so tired as it takes away from your guys time together. Once he does notice, his solution becomes pretty obvious. That's right, he wants to... do that devils tango baby.😌🥲 that's his only solution and if you don't like that then you're on your own there, hun.

He will most definitely give you a therapy session babes. It's 12am and you can't sleep? He's playing fucking 20 questions with ya. He just wants to help. Kinda. If that doesn't work, he will do one of three things. One, he'll make sure you're eating properly and not doing anything like drink or smoking as that definitely doesn't help with Insomnia. Second, he will stay with you all night long, no sleeping. If you can't sleep, he can't sleep. He wants you to know he's here for you. And last but not least, he will pull a Billy Lenz on ya. Of course more sensual and more for you then for him, but it's a little perk for him. 🤷

Jason... doesn't sleep. Not unless you do. So your Insomnia mixed with his no need to get any shut eye, he honestly won't notice. He'd assume you're just staying up because he is and will get super happy because of that. Until he starts to notice how sluggish you are in the mornings or how you seem tired at night but just.. don't go to sleep. It worries and makes him feel bad a bit. He will start to do things like, laying down with you in bed and cuddling you. Closing his eyes to pretend he's sleeping, and making you stay in bed until you either fall asleep or it's time to get up. Jason is just worried that you not sleeping will harm you. 😭

Norman struggles with sleep himself, having night terrors some nights and just being anxious about going to sleep due to that. So, you staying up with him at night would seem like a kind gesture until it carried on into your everyday lives. You'd yawn and space out sometimes, clearly tired as hell. Norman being himself will notice but be too nervous to say something about it. I mean, he wants to help you but he doesn't wanna over step. So, you'll get subtle help. Like, sleepy time tea before bed or a hot bath. Randomly throughout the night, you will hear some white noise or just any kind of music made to help you sleep. Don't ask him about any of these things or he'll stop doing them for a while before suddenly doing them again one night. He doesn't wanna pry but he is worried about you.

Hey guysss, so this was literally made because I couldn't sleep and haven't been able to for like two weeks soooo 😍 (not saying I have Insomnia babes)

I hope you guys like this one, I'm trying to write multiple before I post anything just so you guys have more things to read. I super duper appreciate the suggestions, it's just that some of them (spicy ones) take longer to write because I don't want them to be cringe 🥲💀 anyway, I love you guys and thank you for reading 😘

— Your amazing, handsome, great, hot, best, author, ME ;))

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