Chapter Eleven | Nick

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"Talia?" I dart my gaze left and right as I pass each aisle, having lost her two minutes ago. Where the hell did she go?

It's the second to last day of Spring Break, and with nothing else on my agenda, I decided to visit Talia and take her to go get some fabric for her designs. So we hopped in my car and went to Joanna's Fabric and Craft store. After telling her to pick out whatever she thought she'd need though, I lost her.

When I finally find her, she's standing on her tippy toes trying to reach a mint green fabric that's on a high shelf. She manages to grip it by the edge with her fingers before getting a good grip on it then standing back firmly in her feet. With the shopping cart in front of me, I push it towards her direction and brace myself.

She looks beautiful today. Teal sweatshirt, teal shorts, and white sneakers and her hair is covered by a white cap. She doesn't dress to impress and that's so sexy to me.

"How much do you need of that?" I ask. She's been getting a few yards so far.

She looks up at me, then back at the fabric, then back at me. "I'm not sure. Can I get the whole thing?"

I reach out my hand, running my fingers along the fabric. It's soft and it's a nice color, but that's as far as my knowledge goes. "Of course."

"Thank you," She grins. "This is the perfect color for the dress I have in mind."

"And now you have a brand new sewing machine to complete it." The moment I saw her sewing machine all chipped and dirty, I already made up my mind to get her a new one and that's the first thing we placed inside the cart.

"I'm gonna pay you back." Talia insists, as she places the mint fabric into the shopping cart.

"No, you won't." I ignore her and start pushing towards the check out line.

"You can't just buy me a new sewing machine and a ton of fabric and expect me not to pay you back." She tells me. "Do you have any idea how expensive fabric cost?"

"Doesn't matter. You want it so I'm getting it for you." I tell her, stopping at the register. I place the new sewing machine and fabrics on the conveyor belt and watch as the cashier scans the items. The total is about a hundred dollars, which compared to other women I've dated and taken shopping, this was nothing.

I push Talia's hand down before the cashier can take her credit card and give her mine instead.

"Nick!" Talia groans.

I ignore her and punch in my pin number. The cashier starts to bag our items and Talia takes the sewing machine and grumbles something about me being controlling before stalking out the door.
I laugh as I watch her make her way to my car and grab the fabrics she left behind for me to carry.

"You two are a sweet couple." The cashier says, capturing my attention. She thought we were a couple?

Something warm washes over me and I realize I like that idea, I like it a lot.


I tilt my head as a thank you to the bartender who sets my drink in front of me. I pick up the shot of whiskey, bringing it to my lips before tilting my head back and taking the shot to the head. The liquid burns as it goes through my throat and settles onto my chest. I slam the glass down on the bar before motioning for the bartender to bring me another.

After spending most of the day with Talia, I dropped her off home and decided that I needed to get laid. After tomorrow night we'd be back in school and there was no pretending we weren't who we are. I needed someone, preferably someone at least five years older to make me forget about the one woman I want but can't have.

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