Chapter Fourteen | Nick

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Waking up with Taliain my arms feels like a dream.

I peer down at her. She's asleep in my arms with her head buried in the nape of my neck and one arm thrown across my chest. Her hair fans down and around her shoulders and only half her body is covered by the sheets.

She's beautiful and she's mine.

Pressing myself back against the mattress, I tighten my arms around Talia, not quite ready to let her go and face the real world. Instead, I revel in how quickly things changed from the moment I spotted her in the club Saturday night.

I think my favorite part of this weekend besides the mind blowing sex, is the day Talia and I spent on my yacht and not having to worry about if someone from school would see us. We were just us. But just like the sun rose in the morning, so did reality along with it.

Spring break is over, which means Talia and I are going to have to hide our relationship until one of us decides it's over or until Talia graduates. At the idea of school, I groaned, knowing I needed to get ready to leave and so did Talia.

I lean down and press a soft kiss to her forehead and soon Talia is stirring and rewarding me with that sexy sleepy look on her face.

"Good morning, beautiful." I smile at her before pressing another kiss to her shoulder blade. "I can get used to waking up like this." I tell her, moving my hand lower to cup her bare bottom.

"Me too." She agreed before leaning in and I met her half way, our lips touching a slow, sweet kiss. "Are you sure we can't just stay in bed all day?"

I chuckle. "I'm sure. You can't just use me as your personal sex toy."

"Damn." Talia grumbles.

"Now let's go get you cleaned up."

I reluctantly loosen my hold and Talia sits up. Once I'm out of bed, I lift Talia into my arms and carry her into the bathroom and into the shower. The moment I get her sexy body under the showerhead and watch as water and soap travels down her body, my dick takes over and I have her pressed against the wall with one leg over my shoulder and I taste and tease her until she falls apart on my tongue.


"I'm telling you now, don't you dare ask me any questions in class because I'm just going to be thinking about the amazing orgasm you just gave me." Talia tells me which makes me laugh.

"Noted." We're now both fully dressed and stand in the kitchen with a few minutes to spare before I have to leave and Talia's Uber arrives.

I tried to argue with her about dropping her off a block away from school but she insisted that it was too risky. So even though I don't like it, I don't argue with her but instead I make the two of us breakfast.
"I don't remember the last time someone made me breakfast before school." Talia says, thinking out loud.

A tic works in my jaw as I thought about all the mornings she must have felt unsafe to the point where she felt like she couldn't even cook for herself in fear that Otis would appear. She'd told me how he'd always seem to corner her in the mornings right before she left for school.

I don't want her to think about that. Not now. Not ever.

"Well get used to babe," I tell her. "I can't cook but I can whip up the best toast you've ever had."

"Thank you. And while this is definitely the best toast I've ever had, maybe I'll handle breakfast for us from now on." There's a pause before she adds, "You think we can pull this off?" Talia wonders.

"We have to. I'm not going to let you jeopardize graduating because of me. Once you walk across the stage we won't have to hide this anymore." I state.

"Okay. It shouldn't be too hard." Talia says, agreeing with me.

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