Chapter Thirteen | Nick

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"I wish you wouldn't wear that."

Talia stops in her tracks surprised before grinning at me. "Why not?"

My eyes scan her body from head to toe, noting how every dip and perfect curve of her body is showcased in the tiny white bikini. She looks too fucking sexy for her own good; her nipples poke against the flimsy fabric and I suddenly flash to the moment they were in my mouth, her body squirming underneath me and her mouth opened in a permanent O as I feasted on the sensitive flesh.

I knew she'd be incredible, but nothing, and I mean should feel as good as it feels when I'm deep inside of her.

I wait for some form of regret to wind its way into my body and consciousness, but it never appears. What we did wasn't wrong. I like her. I really fucking like her and fate was just being cruel making the woman of my dreams also one of my students.

I still can't believe I was her first. Most people in her generation were having sex before they were even out of middle school. Thank God no one caught her attention. I have to admit it makes me a little happy that I'm the only one that's got to touch her. That I'm the only one that knows and will ever know what her tight little pussy feels like.

I want to beat on my chest like some kind of caveman as I stare at her. She's beautiful. In a white two piece bikini, her face free of makeup, and her braids swooped into a low ponytail.

"Why not?" Talia repeats, capturing my attention.

"Because I won't be able to concentrate with you looking like that." I tell her.

Talia grins in response before erasing the distance between us. "Good." She gives me a soft kiss before stepping back. "I'm ready."

Today we're spending the day on my yacht. It's the last day of Spring Break for the both of us and I have no idea what it means for our future when the sun rises in the morning, but for right now I was going to enjoy every second we had together.

"How are you with sea sickness?" I wonder after helping her onto the deck.

"I've never been on a boat before," She states. "So I guess we'll find out."

"I'll be sure to take a step back." I joke.

"Good call." She grins.

I give the captain the go ahead to sail off before coming over to sit next to Talia on the blanket. I have a little picnic set up for the both of us equipped with a wicker basket filled with finger foods and snacks, wine, and strawberries. "I'm happy we're getting to do this." I tell her. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest not having to hide my feelings anymore. I wasn't sure how much longer I could deny my attraction.

"Me too." Talia smiles and I can't help but brush my lips against hers. "Did you think we'd get here?" Talia asked.

"I hoped." I answer truthfully. "When I met you in the diner that day I thought you were the most beautiful woman I've ever met."

"Even in my uniform?" She scrunches her face which makes me laugh.

"Even in your uniform." I assure her before kissing the frown between her brows. "But I didn't think I'd ever see you again after we said good-bye."

"I didn't think so either. I was so shocked when I saw you at the front of the classroom."

"Not as shocked as I was when seeing you behind a desk." I tell her.

Talia giggles. "You looked more pissed than surprised."

"I was," I admit.

"Why?" Talia wonders, breaking gaze from me long enough to pick up a strawberry from the bowl.

The minute I saw You | Teacher-Student romance | BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now