Chapter Twenty-One| Talia

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I can't breathe. The world around me feels like it's closing in and I can't get air in my lungs fast enough. Nothing makes sense as I stumble my way down the stairs and out the front door. I manage to climb inside Caitlin's SUV without completely breaking down, but truth is, I think I'm actually in shock.

    "Hey sweetie, what's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost." Caitlin says.

    "More like your brother naked with my Pre-Cal teacher in the shower." I tell her. The image of the two of them together is burned into my brain. Caitlin and I were only a stoplight away when I realized that I left my cellphone in Nick's bedroom so Caitlin turned the car around and we headed back to the house.

I jogged up the stairs and entered Nick's bedroom where I see my phone on the bed. I heard the shower running and figured I'd step in to give Nick a quick kiss and okay, sneak a peek at his abs, but as I made my way to the bathroom, the clearer a voice became and I paused at the door that was ajar. From the reflection of the mirror I could see Nick but he wasn't alone. Standing in the shower with him was my very naked Pre-Calculus teacher Ms. Carver.

The door wasn't open wide enough for me to see her in al her glory but seeing her bare shoulders was enough. I thought Nick said he ended things with her. Why was she here immediately after I left? Does he do this on nights that I sleep at the beach house?

"What?" Caitlin shrieks.

"Can we please just drive? I don't want your brother or Mrs. Carver to see me." I tell her.

"Of course. Where do you want to go?"

That's a good question. Where could I go? I couldn't stay at the beach house obviously and I couldn't go to Rhonda and Simone's place either.

"We had a day of shopping planned right? Let's go to the mall." I tell her.

Caitlin looks at me as if I've lost my mind. "Are you sure?"

"The alternative is to go back to beach house and cry, so yes, I'm sure." I tell her.

She doesn't look like she believes me but thankfully she takes off down the road.

"I promise you I had no idea he was seeing her." Caitlin tells me after a minute.

I believe her. She's been nothing but kind to me from the moment I met her and she looked equally shocked as me when I told her about Nick.

"I believe you." I reaaaure her.


Thirty minutes into shopping, I realized what a bad idea it was to come here. They're couples everywhere- holding hands, kissing, feeding each other those ridiculously large pretzels, and not to mention I no longer desire to spend money on clothes that I really didn't need, especially now that I would had to save money for a hotel until I found a more permanent place for me to live.

How did such an incredible morning turned into this disaster? I was supposed to be buying trashy lingerie that would make a stripper proud for Nick to tear off of me later on tonight, instead I'm searching for affordable hotels near me.

"We can do this another time. Your head is clearly not in the right space." Caitlin tells me after we've walk out the fifth store.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. When I get ahold of my brother I swear I'm going to kill him."

"You're gonna have to get in line." I tell her before we make our way towards the mall exit.

I climbed into the passenger seat while Caitlin threw her purchases in the trunk. My phone buzzed on my lap and I look down at the screen to see it's a text from Nick.

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