Don't Cry- Chapter 42

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Niall's POV

It was Friday, the day before we were going to go find Alex. I didn't want to go to school, but it was necessary. I'd missed a week off school already, and Liam was intent on helping me graduate and be the best I could be. I wanted to be a music teacher, I'd already decided. At first, I wanted to follow in my beautiful boyfriends' footsteps and be a care worker, but now we agreed on having this baby, it'd be too much.

Everything was fine. Liam had spoken to his mum, and she was eager to have dinner soon. She was a little surprised at first, reminding Liam that it was still technically illegal, but he'd promised her we were waiting until I was eighteen to move up in our relationship.

Darcy was also really good. She was still keeping her pregnancy a secret, but guess what? Her auntie had come in contact with her in the last few days because she'd been informed her seventeen year old niece was in care. Her auntie had believed she was with another family, but now she wanted to adopt Darcy as her own. Things were looking up.

I didn't mind going back to school though, because I was able to see Bentley, who I hadn't seen in a while. I had to keep with the story that I was off sick with the flu, even though I hated lying to my technical best friend.

When Veronica dropped me off, she sounded chirpier than before. Her hair wasn't in the usual high bun, but now flowed freely at her shoulders. She wore contacts now instead of glasses, applying more mascara than before. I wasn't sure why, so I asked her before I hopped out the car.

"Oh, I'm just seeing someone for lunch today," she replied with a smile. "If it goes well, you can meet him, but I don't know how things will turn out... I hope it's well, but with John, I'll never know. He's so mysterious, you know?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You're dating?"

"Yes, well, I've decided I'm tired of sitting around wishing Harry will just burst through the door in a suit of armour and beg to marry me again, promise me that he didn't cheat on me and that things will be okay, because I'm just kidding myself. I figured I need to move on, so I met John on an online dating website, and we've been on three dates so far. Niall, I think things are finally working out for me."

I had to admit, I was happy for her. She had been lolling around the house like a zombie, watching chick flicks on television and mumbling about how much Harry loved watching these girly movies with her. But yes, she had been much better recently.

"I'm so glad, Ron, I hope things go well, and if they somehow don't, just remember there will be plenty of other chances, okay?" I reminded her softly, reaching over and hugging her gently, before pulling back and looking into her liquid brown eyes.

"Thank you, Niall, now, get out." She grinned and pointed towards the school which was now flooded with teenagers, I caught sight of Bentley leaning against the school with his phone in his hands, smiling giddily.

I laughed and finally exited the car, before walking across the school lawn and towards my best friend. His usual swept blonde hair was piled up into a now smooth quiff, and he was smiling a lot more. I wondered why; fuck, why were so many people gaining happiness recently?

When I walked over, he glanced up from his phone and widened his large hazel eyes. "Niall? Holy shit! Are you okay, man? I've been trying to call you, but my mum took my phone away from me for a while, said I was becoming too attached..."

"Yeah, I'm good- why are you on your phone anyway?" I asked.

He shrugged, blushing a deep red. "Well... you know how I said I liked Darcy? Well, she began texting me yesterday, and we haven't stopped since. I know this sounds stupid, but I really think she likes me, Niall- I also know about her, you know, situation."

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