Love and... Orange Juice?- Chapter 36

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Liam's POV

I had my house all set up for Niall's arrival. I had my sofas washed fully and my carpets vacuumed. I'd wiped away the odd marks on my coffee table from dirty feet or spilt coffee, as well as wiping away all the dust. It seemed silly to go through so much trouble, but I wanted this moment to be special. The whole day- just me and Niall. We had never had that before. Never.

I hadn't spoken to Harry or Louis about what Niall had witnessed. I'm pretty sure Louis wasn't in the mood to be lectured by me, and I didn't feel like I needed to talk to Harry just yet. Niall told me he looked pretty worn and upset, so I would give him space until I thought the time was right. I didn't think what Harry did was okay, but I understood why he did it. He felt unwanted, and Louis made him happy.

I still went to work every day, but it was such a drag without Niall. Nothing changed in his absence, which was quite sad. The only person who asked was Darcy, followed by a dirty joke. She liked to think I was a pedophile, which was weird. This wasn't some weird relationship, I loved him.

Just at that moment, the ringing came from the phone. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Liam, I'm here," Niall's voice rung in my ears like a chorus of bells. He just made me happy, I didn't know how else to explain the way he made me feel. It wasn't true love or whatever, it was something stronger. Something I couldn't let go of now, not even if it was the right thing to do. Maybe because I was selfish, but to be honest, I didn't really care. Even if he wanted me gone, how would I be able to leave?

I greeted him casually, before pressing the button to let him into my flat. I heard footsteps from outside my door, and then finally I yanked my front door open, revealing him. He was breathtakingly beautiful, as always.

However, he looked different. I mean, he was still my Niall. His wheat golden hair was still piled up to a messy quiff at the top of his head. His eyes were still a bright sapphire blue, framed by light, impossibly long lashes. He was wearing a simple white T-Shirt and blue skinny jeans. However... Despite his familiar appearance, he looked happier. There was a fullness to his smile, a honesty behind it. His orbs were brighter and sparkled more. There was more colour in his cheeks. It gave me hope, that maybe he was going to be okay after all.

I let him in by stepping aside, then lead him into my living room. He looked around appreciative, the smile still plastered on his gorgeous face. He took a seat on my newly washed sofa and glanced up at me with those pearly eyes. "Liam..."

"You're happy." The words escaped my lips before I had a chance to process them. They were what I was thinking anyway. My words surprised him; his eyebrows raised and his lips formed of perfect O shape.

"Um... yeah. Why do you phrase that as a statement rather than a question?" He asked, smirking now. His formality and politeness made me laugh. Not because it was unlike him to be so proper, but because he genuinely was honest about his joy. He'd brush off a quick are you okay with a simple nod, but today... He was different. And that made me happier than ever, to see him this way.

I was still chuckling when I replied to him. "Your eyes give everything away, love. I can see everything you are feeling through them. And I can see you're happy. And that makes me happy." I grinned at him, before sitting down next to him.

"Veronica came back last night, and I heard them talking but I'm not sure what, the walls are almost soundproof." He notified me, after blushing at my speech. "When I woke up this morning, Harry had left to go to work and Ronnie was gardening outside whilst on the phone to her mum, I believe."

I nodded, sighing. "I'm sure they'll deal with it. Ed and Darcy are expecting us at three, so until then, I want to spend as much time with you as possible, okay? I've made you a romantic lunch, stocked up on an abundance of sappy DVD's and rather am looking forward to watching them whilst making out. Is there anything you would like to add to the day plan?" I raised an eyebrow at him, still grinning at his dumbfounded expression.

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