Bulletproof- Chapter 15

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Liam's POV

I didn't go back into Niall's room straight away after Demi left because Harvey had gone home since his sister was giving birth and Johnny had fallen ill so I had to look after the kids, especially Billy and Benjamin. Although I'd happily spend my whole time at work with Niall, I still had a job to do which was to care for all the card children.

I was sat in the lounge with the twins, Jace, Ella and Ed. The boys were playing a game of foosball and Ella was reading a large Math book, probably studying for her finals. I was playing cars with the twins to keep them occupied, although Benjamin was trying to get Jace to play, too. Darcy was hunched up in her room on the phone with Alex because Johnny had forbidden him visiting.

The room was silent apart from the twins' car impressions and the sighs from Ed as Jace scored another goal. It was an awkward silence, really, because now the whole Home knew about Niall's private therapy lessons. I'd forced them to agree not to mention their knowledge to him because he was already pissed that Darcy knew.

I silently wished he'd come downstairs, but I knew that wouldn't happen. Sure, I was worried he'd so something so stupid, or hurt himself again, but he'd assured and promised me that he wouldn't so I trusted him enough. He was too valuable to be wounded physically and emotionally.

I was just about to go make lunch when Billy murmured, "I miss Neil. He's never around."

Jace and Ed glanced up from their game and Ella looked up from her book. I wanted to say- you and me both, but I just swallowed and replied with, "He's just a little sad recently, Bill. He'll get better soon, yeah? But you can go up and say hello."

"Jake! Jake! You can be the powice car!" Benjamin yelled, causing Jace to roll his eyes but chuckle. Although Ben could be extremely hyperactive, he was still cuter than ever since he still had problems speaking. Billy was more relaxed and could speak properly apart from mixing up Niall's name. I guess you could say he was the twin who you could rely on more than the other, the responsible one although he was five years old.

Billy flushed red. "Can someone go with me, Liam?"

"Don't be afraid of little Niall," I reassured him, ruffling his blonde hair. "He loves you, Billy. Just go up and talk to him, make him feel better, yeah? You know he's a little bit sad recently, but I'm sure your cute little face will brighten his day, love."

"Don't touch my cars, smelly!" He warned Benjamin who was eyeing Billy's fire truck and ambulance. We all chuckled at the calmer twins' warning and his aggressive expression, and also Benjamin's cheeky giggle.

I watched as Billy jogged off upstairs, causing the room to go silent again apart from Benjamin's chuckles. I walked up to Jace and Ed, picking up the foosball ball and twirling it around in my fingers. Jace glanced up at me in confusion.

"You alright?" he asked, examining my face. He peered at Ed who was also furrowing his brow, puzzled.

The curly ginger boy raised his hands, shaking his head. "Dude, if you're not going to tell us, at least give us back our freaking ball!"

"Oh, sorry, guys," I apologised, not even realising I had practically ruined their game. "I'm just thinking- maybe there's a way to get money for this Home, I mean. Like, you all know we're practically broke and living on cornflakes, so we need to find a way to get money before they shut us down."

"Wait, that's a possibility?" Ella freaked out, putting her book neatly on the coffee table and joining our discussion, horror struck.

I sighed. I didn't want to scare the kids, but I had to save their home. I knew they hated living here, but they'd rather live here than get separated into other care homes. The local other homes around were worse than this one, history of fights and bad teenage kids looking for trouble. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if the kids- even Darcy- got thrown into a dangerous place when there were ways to avoid it. Also, I'd never see Niall again.

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