Chapter 4

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Marc heard the door shut as he made it to the top of his staircase and headed down the hall into his bedroom.  From the window Carrie was walking through the grass, past the swingset towards her back door.  With a huge smile he watched as her backside jiggled with every single step below her long hair, perky chest wobbling slightly as she hopped up the three steps braless to her deck, finally disappearing into the house.

Looking around at his bags, he began to dread the thought of having to head out again the next morning for work.  With the house to himself, he decided to strip down only to boxers and began to do a few loads of laundry from the cabin.  While waiting for the clothes to finish, Marc sat back on the bed and began to scroll through his phone.  The stupidity of social media was always good for a few laughs.  There was no actual intellectual gain from scrolling up repeatedly on the stupid TikToks, they only time wasted.  Without realizing it, about forty-five minutes had passed, until the notification bubble appeared at the top of the screen, interrupting another fat woman from falling down an icy set of stairs.  It was a message from Carrie that read, “Hey, did you find the present I left for you?”

Marc looked around the room, the type of motion a person will make, not particularly looking for anything, but a measure of thinking to oneself.  He grew more curious about her text and replied back, “What present?”

“Well, I guess you haven’t gone back downstairs yet.”

Marc stood up from the bed and started walking down the hall towards the stairs, continuing the conversation, “I’m going now.”  He cut through the living room, entering the kitchen where he had Carrie spread wide and bent over the counter where he eats breakfast most days.  He saw the surprise she had left him, immediately knowing what they were.  He grabbed them, laughing at their balled up size in his hand and then made his way back upstairs.  He looked at the tiny fabric in his hands, unfolding them to get a better perspective at how tiny they truly were.  In doing so, he noticed they were pretty damp and while he could still make out her scent on his hands and face, it was impossible to not be a bit greedy and inhale her sweet aromas again.

In all the years she lived next door and when they hung out, Marc never noticed a single bad odor or smell coming from Carrie.  Whether it was after she was doing yard work in the blistering heat, bumping into her after she was dripping in sweat after going for a run around the neighborhood, or after suntanning on a humid day, there was nothing, ever.  He never even noticed an inkling of bad breath. Not that he had gotten many opportunities prior to these most recent times, she always smelled great.  It was no coincidence she smelled great everywhere as well, and in Marc’s opinion, tasted amazing as well.  He took another smell, feeling the dampness on his face before replying back, “Found em, these things are deadly and soaked!”

On her end, the message made her smile, “Well, I had to wipe the mess you had me make before you kicked me out.”

“I didn’t kick you out, but, it was time for you to go.”

“Time for me to go?  But, you didn’t get a reward for a job well done, but I guess you have something hot, pink, and wet in its place,” she followed that up with a devil emoji.

Without even realizing it, Marc had been tugging himself during this chat.  The onslaught of innuendos bouncing in his brain about something hot, pink, and wet was pretty funny.  He decided to simply skip those and ask, “Are you alone now?”

“Well, he's on the other sofa across from me, why?” she asked.

“Won’t see your phone?”

Now it was Carrie that was curious, “No, I’ll make sure.”

Without another word, Marc sent over a picture.  When she opened it on her end, it was as if everything they had done over the past week came rushing back to her ten fold.  Marc had taken her panties and hung them over the tip of his dick.  There it was, the thing that was in her mouth and hands during the drive home was now plastered in 2D on her phone.  Her mouth was watering as another message came through, this time a quick video of Marc simply flexing his muscles, bouncing it up and down for her eyes, her thong clutched to him like her hand should be.

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