Argument| 19

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Prompt: Y/n and Hermione get into an argument and ignore each other .

"Well it's not my fault you get mad over small things like me hanging out with my friends!"  Y/n tried to get Hermione to understand

"Because you always have an attitude ! Damn it can't you hear what I'm saying !" Her nose flared as her chest rised up and down. These two were arguing back and forth

"I'm not going to keep arguing with you it's pointless " stated Y/n who was clearly done with this bs.

"exactly... because you don't wanna hear it like always" Hermione sighed frustrated , she chuckled and said "wouldn't be surprised if you hooked up with your friend."

As y/n was on her way to the stairs she turned her back she really had the audacity to say that?

"oh so now your saying I'm cheating on you?! Are you out of your mind Hermione?" She was upset that she let out tears

"Seems to me you are!" Hermione put her hands up

"You are so fuckjn stupid if you think I would, you should hear your self  Granger. After everything you say that I'm cheating on you? So fucking low." Y/n hissed running up the stairs and into the room slamming the door as loud as possible

it was in between the middle of the night when Hermione couldn't sleep on the couch . She silently got up and made her way up the stairs careful to not fall

She opened the shared room. To her surpise her girlfriend was awake but on her phone. As the girl made her way to the bed slowly going under the covers

"I'm really sorry my love for earlier, I was annoyed and frustrated I didn't mean to take it out on you .." Hermione spoke feeling guilty

But y/n ignored her and she scrolled through comments . "Please listen to me" Hermione said

Y/n turned off her phone as the sun mold lamp was on meaning they could see each other.

"I forgive you but about the cheating , I would never do that and I can't imagine myself hurting you" y/n tucked a strand of hair behind her lovers ear

"I wouldn't do the same and im really sorry for accusing you" she gave y/n a kiss and both of them went to sleep

the end!
see y'all in next chapter

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