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Y/n's Pov:

Hermione Granger is my everything even if she's just my best friend. I wish she would open her eyes and realize I love her more than a friend it hurts me everyday seeing her laugh and blush with someone who isn't me.

You are probably thinking if I'm jealous the answer is yes and no but I'm still happy for her even if it's with Ron who is her boyfriend her everything and yet here I am sitting in silence and pain.

But I can't show her that I have to be strong for her and for everyone. From now on I will hide my feelings.

Present day

"some day someone will like me like I like you." I thought I took a deep breath in heading out of my dormitory only to be met with Her.

"Ready to go sleepy head" Hermione gave me a small smile which I returned Gosh I can't even help but smile before I even look at her this was going to be hard

We both ended up in potions class we didn't sit next to each other since we were paired differently. I sat next to Harry we both chattered until class started  I felt so zoned out that I realized class was now over.

"See ya later shorty" said Harry as he tapped my head

I chuckled replying "see ya later smartie" Harry and I get along well and he's like a brother to me which I couldn't ask for anyone Better

Before Harry started to leave "actually can you keep me company" he turned to face me

"Uhm sure ?" I gave him a thank you look we both went down to the forest as we sat down against the tree. It started off with him questioning "usually when we are here something is on your mind so why not spill it" he turned to look at me as I sighed

"please don't share this with anyone and if you do I'll make sure you never come across me" I holded up my pink and he intervened his pinky with mine

"I promise now what's wrong y/n? You seem quite sad" he gave me a worried look letting go of my pinky. "I love her." I replied

"Who's her?" he said
"Hermione... Harry." I looked around wondering what he would say

"Then why don't you tell her how you feel y/n?" He replied gesturing to me that it was okay to let it out

"I can't! Can't you see she's inlove with Ron?!" I stood up placing my hands on my hip

"She only sees me as a friend and I'm here sitting alone drowning in my own thoughts! I love her I always have but she only sees me as her friend." Harry didn't know how to reply so he just gave me a hug.

"It's alright Y/n I can't change anything between her and Ron you just have to accept it move on to someone who loves you as much as you love Her but I know you don't want anyone else but her . If you don't your only hurting yourself ." He looked into my eyes

I was at the edge of breaking down but I sucked it in

"Okay." I said thanking him with another hug honestly it was such a good hug that I never wanted to let go but we eventually let go and gave each other a smile.

Later on that evening

We all sat on the common room floor it was a late night with every gryffindor almost like a party somewhere either chatting or standing up or maybe in the rooms.

It was boring for me at least I didn't know what to do so instead I ate and chattered with a few friends I had. The night ended well most boys & girls had gone to sleep so we called it a night.

Around the middle of the night I couldn't sleep I get off my bed quietly and exit the dormitory and head downstairs to get hot chocolate or something. No one was in the common so I make some hot chocolate and walk my short self to the sofa I didn't even know what time it was

About 20 minutes later I rest my head against the sofa closing my eyes for a bit until I hear "didn't expect you here" I opened my eyes to see her. She was literally above my eyes I didn't reply back I just hummed as I close my eyes again now I feel the couch sink in a bit I'm guessing she's sitting next to me

Just my luck like why at this time? It was silence for a bit until she spoke

"You didn't speak to me much today why?" is she DUMBBB okayy chilll anyways I lifted my head up sitting straight since my back kinda hurt already

"I wasn't in the mood so yeah" I replied she stayed quiet for a few seconds before replying "your lying miss" she left out a soft laugh

Why she laughing like I don't find it funny I didn't give her answer back because she scooted closer to me and layed her head on my shoulder now it was more awkward

I simply said to her "I'm going back to sleep now so I'll see you tomorrow, night" I said standing up and heading back to my dorm before I stood up I seen she gave me a frown

"your weird now" she said out of nowhere this is what made me turn around to her

"Huh?" I said

"It seems like your so mad about something like cheer up y/n"

I didn't wanna deal with her so I just went back upstairs and went to sleep.


Part 2 coming up 😝

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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