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A few weeks after your engagement, the Driver surprised you with a new car. It was sleek and black, with leather seats and a powerful engine. You knew the Driver had spent a lot of time researching the best car for your business needs, and you were grateful for his thoughtfulness.

As you drove your new car, you felt a sense of pride and independence. You were building a successful business with the support of the man you loved, and you felt like anything was possible.

One day, as you were driving to a meeting with a new client, you noticed a car following you. You tried to shake it off, but it continued to tail you, getting closer and closer.

Your heart raced as you realized you were being followed by a group of thugs. You knew you had to get away, but the car behind you was too fast.

Without hesitation, the Driver appeared out of nowhere, speeding up in his car and cutting off the thugs' car. He jumped out of his car and faced them, ready to defend you.

The thugs were no match for the Driver's skills. He fought them off easily, his movements precise and efficient. You watched in awe as he took them down one by one, his strength and determination on full display.

As the last thug fell to the ground, the Driver turned to you, his eyes filled with concern.

"Are you okay?" he asked, rushing over to your car.

You nodded, tears streaming down your face. You had never been so scared in your life.

The Driver pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you close as you shook with fear. He whispered words of comfort in your ear, reassuring you that you were safe.

As you sat there in his arms, you knew that you had never felt more grateful for the man you loved. He was your protector, your hero, and your soulmate.

Together, you drove away from the scene, your new car speeding down the road. You felt a sense of exhilaration as you left the thugs behind, knowing that you had the Driver by your side. And as you drove off into the sunset, you knew that nothing could ever come between you and the man you loved.

Driver X Reader (Ryan Gosling)Where stories live. Discover now