Chapter 4 - The Accident

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The next day, I woke up and realised she was already gone. I tossed and turned over on my bed and then sat up. I see that she left a note on the dresser,

"Dear y/n,

I know I said that I was okay last night and I'm not angry. But I guess I was wrong. I'm not okay with it, I was heated, and filled with anger. I am sorry, I couldn't stay over for the night, I had to leave.


Reading that note broke my heart. She left me and I didn't even know that she sneaked out. I thought I was getting a sweet 'good morning' note but I guess, I was wrong. Not to mention, she wrote 'y/n,' not 'darling' and she ended it with just her name, she would usually put 'Love, Bellatrix' which made me realize that she might be over with me. She hates me now. Once again, I risked my relationship and I'm back to square one – being lonely. I thought I would be waking up happy knowing that she was sleeping beside me but that all just went down the drain. She left me, but I guess, I should just comply with that fact. I went ahead, got a shower, and dressed up for today's classes. Now, in the Great Hall, I was the first one to sit at our usual spot. Then Draco joined in,

"You're up early. I thought you might sleep in and miss out on today's class, considering what you were up to last night," He joked.

"That was what I intend to do but I am not in the mood for jokes right now, Draco." He sees that it was unlike me to be so cranky.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, but before I could reply to him, the rest of the gang came and joined in.

"Morning y/n!" Eleanor almost practically screamed while hugging me. I put on a smile, hiding the fact that I am miserable inside.

"Uh, morning to you too!" I smiled. Pansy, as always, sat next to Draco.

"Guess what Draco,"

"What?" he asked before he could take a bite of his bread.

"I met your family last night."

"My family?" surprised by it, he put down the bread and gave his attention to her.

"Well, one of them. She seems cool. But I didn't get her name though. She wears this black dress, I think she was wearing all black, top to bottom."

"Oh? That's uh, yeah. That's family, all right." He turned to look at me, and as we made contact with each other, I think he realizes why I am like that.

"I met her in the hallways, she said she was in a rush after dropping off some things for you. And then she walked away, pretty quickly. I didn't know families can come to visit us, I mean, they can – I think. But visiting Hogwarts that late? Is that allowed?" She said as she grabbed some food onto her plate. Blaise was sitting across from me when he kicked me in the shin which caught my attention.

"Ow! What the hell?"

"You're daydreaming again y/n," he said while throwing some food to my side of the table. I returned his food by throwing it back, Eleanor, on the other hand, was cleaning on her side as some food got to her.

"So what. I was just thinking about the work Slughorn gave us. Wondering if it's good enough for him." they were all speechless, thinking about which work was I talking about.

"Work? What are you talking about? There's no work, is there?" Blaise answered frantically as he was waiting on Eleanor's reply, but she was too flustered to even answer it.

"I don't know, are you telling the truth y/n?" she turned to me,

"No! he didn't give us anything. I was just making a joke, you two should've seen the looks on your face." I chuckled while pointing my index finger toward the boys.

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