Chapter 7 - Dinner Party

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TW: slight sexual harassment mentioned

As we walked down the path towards the entrance of Malfoy Manor, we could see the silhouettes of different people inside which made me nervous. I stopped for a while to take a deep breath, then continued walking. Draco knocked on the door which the house elf opened for us, and then one of the guests walked up to Draco, greeting him.

"My goodness, Draco Malfoy. You looked quite good for yourself," they shook hands, and then the guest walked away. Draco was chuckling but his face was looking like he was trying to figure out who the person was.

"You have no idea who that was, didn't you?" he shook his head chuckling. We walked further inside to see the place to be decorated in a simple décor but not too much like a child's birthday party. This was a more mature, casual dinner party. Then, around the corner, his mother popped in to greet us,

"Draco, darling." They both kiss cheeks and Draco wishes her a happy birthday,

"And y/n, you're here. I thought Draco would've forgotten about your invite," we chuckled,

"Well, he did at first. He gave me the invitation two days ago. Which could explain the horrible gift I got for you," I smiled as I handed her the gift, and she hugged me.

"Oh, you shouldn't have. Thank you for this, y/n," she placed the gift along with the other gifts. She held Draco's hands, almost in a locked position, walking hand in hand.

"I'm so happy that you're here, I don't care about the gifts, as long as you're here, it's all that matters." She said calmly as she hugged Draco's arms. It was a sweet moment, he was leaning his head towards his mom, kissing the top of her head. I have never seen this side of him before, it warms my heart. We stopped as we heard the sound of glasses clinking, Mr Malfoy raising his glass for a toast,

"To my beautiful lady, Narcissa, the mother to my son, and the love of my life. The moment I first laid eyes on you was the moment I knew that I have got to have you in my life. And once I finally knew more about you, I see the beauty of everything as you taught me the meaning of life, and for that I thank you. I never thought that I could end up with someone, much less an angel. I love you, darling, Happy birthday," he raised his glass once more then gave her a wink and a small smirk. I looked over to Narcissa, and her eyes were sparkling.

While everyone else was chattering about, I was walking towards the dining room, looking around and realized by then, that I haven't seen Bellatrix anywhere. The moon was out that night, and like always, I gazed into the night, watching the moon. Just then, I heard someone,

"My, my, if I knew any better, I'd say that you are glowing like the moon, my dear" a guy said to me, I didn't know who this man is, so I just smiled.

"Ah, thank you, sir."

"I don't think we've met, Tiberius. A friend of Lucius. And you are?" he reaches out his hand, and I shook it as I introduced myself,

"Y/n y/l/n. I'm uh, a friend of his son, Draco." I smiled at him although I wanted to walk away from him because he was giving me uncomfortable vibes.

"Oh really? well, I think he did a great job finding a suitor for himself," he smirks as he gets closer to me, I moved back slightly. If I screamed, it will only cause a scene which I am trying to avoid.

"No, no, I'm just friends with him – we're not in that kind of a relationship," I chuckled nervously as he was staring at me like plotting something – looking at me up and down with a smirk on his face. But he didn't stop there, he moved slowly towards me again, and this time he reached out his hands then grabbed my arm,

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