𝟎𝟑𝟕: 𝐅𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Mikey walks closer to the scene. You shift your body away from his presence. Ashamed to show your face in front of him. Wearing a Tenjiku uniform and tied by the wrist... He'd view me even weaker than before...

Mikey takes Takemichi's head and rests it over his shoulder. Hugging him. "Thank you, Takemitchy... For everything." Takemichi smiles, "You came..." He starts to cry, "But why? You're not in the right mental state..."

The sound of another motorcycle comes in. It was Draken and Hina was sitting behind him. Takemichi was surprised to see her. "I'm sorry, Takemichi... I told them about-"


Idiot... don't reveal it to the rest of the world... You say to yourself, still unable to face forward at the people who arrived. "[Y/N]!" You hear Hina yell. Mikey clenches his fists, looking at your back facing him. Hanma was still gripping the back of your collar.

He takes a deep breath, "[Y/N]! I'm here! You don't need to worry anymore!" He yells for you. You stopped worrying about yourself a while ago. It was him you were worried for. There's no way he could've recovered from Emma's death that quickly. He may be able to fight, but he's lost something. Someone. The damage is irreversible.

Draken puts his hand on Mikey's shoulder, "Let's focus on the battle for now," he says. Mikey shifts his gaze toward Tenjiku. "What's the move? Looks like they're down to half," Draken observes. Mikey analyzes the situation. "200 versus 2, huh?" Mikey comments.

"You guys are handicapped?"

Tenjiku start to yell at Mikey's absurd comment, even you were in shock at what he said. The men continue to tell him he was the one handicapped and to stop 'fucking around.'

"No, you guys are the ones fucking around," he retorts, denying it. "Who do you 200 people think I am, huh?" You finally turn your head, looking at him.


What is he talking about?! That has to be impossible! Even for him!

Mikey turns to his team, "What's wrong, you guys? It's a showdown, isn't it? Why don't we show them what we're made of!" Mikey begins to crack his knuckles. "Come on! Yell out loud for Toman!" Draken shouts with a grin. The rest of Toman start to stand up after Mikey and Draken's encouragement. Mikey's charisma and leadership were undeniably amazing.

You watch as Mikey rushes in your direction. Izana gets himself in front of you, forcing Mikey to stop in his tracks. "Looks like he does love you, after all," Izana says, looking back at you. He looked amused again.

Izana shifts his body, fully facing you. He grabs your face, pulling you by the jaw. He plants his lips onto yours aggressively. Forcing you to kiss. He glances at Mikey before pushing your face away. Sending you back to Hanma. Mikey's eyes widened. Enraged at what he just watched. Both gangs were shocked by Izana's sudden action as well. Your lips quiver. Prettified that he would kiss you. As you looked at Mikey's face, it was obvious why Izana would do that.

"BASTARD!" Mikey powers a kick to Izana, but he blocks it with his arm. His feet make marks on the ground, pushing him back due to the impact of Mikey's kick.

"Shinichiro's dead, Emma's dead too," Izana starts, "Should I take this girl's life as well? No... It would be better if I steal her. How I'd love to see your desperate and furious face after I take her away from you! Like you took everything from me!"

You watch Mikey take a few deep breaths. You could tell he was starting to get angry. He didn't want his emotions to take over. It would only make him lose his senses. Mikey turns to look at you, "[Y/N]! I'm sorry. You're-"

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