𝟎𝟕𝟑: 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞

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"You're sure about this?" Koko asked me, "Are you sure you're happy this way?"

I didn't get why he cared so much.

"It doesn't matter if I'm happy. As long as they are."

"As long as she is..."

Koko exhales, "Yeah, I don't know about that last part," he tells me.

I tilt my head slightly to the side. My white hair touches my face as I look at him puzzlingly. The man looks at me. Surprised at my reaction.

"You know she's been tracking you, don't you?"


She was never involved with Brahman before... Mikey thinks, observing the situation he's in now. Staring out the tall windowed walls. The blonde wears a sour expression on his face.

That babbling idiot, Takemichi, must've told her everything.


No... Takemichi wouldn't be able to know that. He wasn't there for the whole thing... Mikey continues to think about the future. Or rather, his present.

Now that he's a timeleaper, Mikey still remembers what his life was like in the present. How he led it. And how it eventually ended.

Mikey's unsure of what to do with this new power. Whether being given it was a blessing or a curse. Even with knowing he's a timeleaper, his life right now felt like a realistic dream.

"So... Any thoughts?" Mikey jolts a bit. The blonde was so spaced out, in his own mind, he wasn't even paying attention to Kokonoi.

He turns to the dark-haired boy. "On...?" Mikey asks for clarification. "The battle?" To Koko, it was obvious what thoughts he'd ask for.

Mikey squints at him, seemingly confused. "What about it?" He says obliviously.

I don't know, maybe the fact that your ex-girlfriend is involved? Koko replies in his head. He wouldn't dare say things like this out loud to Mikey. As much as he wished to.

Koko adjusts himself in his seat, "Will you be okay, knowing [Y/N] will be there?" He asks calmly. He kept his eyes on the laptop in front of him. Knowing Mikey will take a while to answer.

Mikey looks back out the window. He's right, I'm gonna have to face her again at some point... "I'll be fine," Mikey replies, not looking at Kokonoi.

Liar! Koko thinks. Furrowing his brows at the boy. Mikey, still, was looking out the window. "So, no plans? The battle will be pretty soon."

The blonde was growing tired of the questions but understood it was important for Kokonoi to know.

"I'll let Sanzu handle most of it," Mikey finally answers him, "I'll think of something when the time comes."

Ah, so 'I don't want to talk about it.' Koko translates in his head.

The two have been living together since Mikey ran away from home. To Mikey, Koko was quiet and smart enough to 'know his place' around him. It also helped that Koko lived in a penthouse apartment. Not only is he able to have a roof over his head, but a luxurious one.

He didn't ask if he could live with Koko, he decided. Even if Mikey did ask, Koko already knew he didn't have a choice.

To Mikey, Koko was just someone who could give him a home to go to. To Koko, Mikey was just his moody, unwanted roommate.

"You two... Seemed close," Mikey spoke again after the last conversation died down. Koko was surprised Mikey started a conversation. The topic, however, wasn't shocking. Since it's clearly about you.

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