Chapter 49

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When she turned back to undress, she was startled to see ZhangWei in her room again. "ZhangWei, what are you doing here? Didn't I push you all out? How did you get in?" Xiaomei said.

"Through the window," he said, pointing to the opened window. "Well, it's getting late. You should go back to your residence. It's not right for a lady like me to have you here," she said, acting her usual fake polite self. She was about to turn back to open the door for him to leave, but he reached over and grabbed her sleeve.


He had overheard the conversation about body language as he had finished going out to find any news about the whereabouts of Zhou Haitou and wanted to see Xiaomei before heading back to his residence, but he didn't expect that she had company with her. So he waited for them to finish talking before showing himself to her, but he didn't expect more company to join in.


He worriedly waited for her reaction. She didn't brush him off but instead turned her head and said, concerned, "What's wrong?" He saw how warm and concerned her eyes were looking at him. He instantly felt happy and had great warmth in his heart. He smiled and started to play with her sleeves. "What are you doing?" she said, confused. She noticed him playing with her sleeves as she tried to pull her sleeve away, thinking he was like a cat playing with a string. "Has the fox turned into a cat?" she chuckled before getting her sleeve out of his hand, but then he wrapped his arms around her.

"Stubborn cat, don't let anyone touch you, even on your clothes, or you will be punished," he said, hugging her from behind.

"Wang ZhangWei," she said, "What nonsense are you spouting? What's the matter with you?" Xiaomei tried to escape his arms. She could feel her face getting hotter. He noticed her face getting red and smiled before hugging her tighter. "Wang ZhangWei," she struggled to break free. "Mister Wei," she said, getting irritated and no longer wanting to call his name while she pinched his arm. "Stop messing around," she said, finally escaping his arms. Before he could say a word, she quickly shoved him out the door.

She remembered the window and hurried to the open window, but she wasn't quick enough as he beat her to it. "ZhangWei," she unconsciously said his name instead Mister Wei as his name naturally flowed out her lips. "Let go," she tried to shut the window, but he held on to the window.

At that moment, he jerked the window to open wider as she lost balance and fell into his arms as his arms wrapped around her. He smiled, "I forgot to say goodnight." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. He lightly pushed her chin up to close her mouth for the shocked, and he instantly left before Xiaomei could yell at him. It took a minute for her to comprehend what just happened. "Y-you cunning fox!" Xiaomei's face reddened.

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