Chapter 72

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The next day, the Emperor announced the news about the memorial service and how everyone must participate, and all the people must mourn at home. The announcement had reached every single person as written statements were all over the city. Soon, the palace had started preparing for the memorial service. Since the Emperor's decree was announced, everyone settled down and started preparing for the memorial service in their homes. The streets and the homes were no longer as lively as before and were now quiet and mellow.

During this time, ZhangWei still had his men on the search for the whereabouts of Zhou Haitao, while the minister that they had sent to be a mole had started giving ideas to Minister Yu to rebel on the day of the memorial service since it was a perfect chance to get them off guard as everyone will be respecting the deceased Empress and General Huang. He also reported to them that he was never able to meet with Zhou Haitao, as Minister Yu and Zhou Haitao were the only two to meet with each other, as the other ministers who had also joined them, including himself, were never told the time or place they met.


"So they took the bait," Xiaomei asked again.

"Ngh, that's what Minister Cheng wrote in his letters," ZhangWei said, leaning against his hand.

"That's great that Zhou Haitao and Minister Yu are falling into the trap," Xiaomei said, sighing in relief as the story was heading in the right direction.

"You sound so relieved," ZhangWei said, brushing his pointer finger against her nose.

"Of course. Aren't you?" Xiaomei said as she rubbed her nose, but then she noticed how quiet he was. "What's wrong? Aren't you," she grabbed his hand and directed his attention to her.

"I-I," he tried to speak but then sighed before grabbing both of her hands and burying his face in them. "I can't watch you disappear. I don't want you to leave," his voice was low and heartbreaking. Her heart trembled from his words.

"Ah...I see... All this time, he's been thinking about this while I was so focused on the present," she said in her heart. A small sigh came out of her mouth as she slightly bent down and tapped her forehead against his head.

"So this whole time, your mind was always worried about this?" She softly said.

"Haven't you?" He asked quietly with his face still buried in her hands.

"Here and there, but mostly the thought of you," she said, lifting his face. She looked into his eyes.

"Ugh, I can't!" ZhangWei pulled her into his arms and deeply hugged her. "I just can't..." his voice slowly breaking as they held each other tightly.


It wasn't a surprise for the day to come. Xiaomei and ZhangWei both arrived at the palace. They wore plain and simple clothes that synchronized with one another. The atmosphere in the palace was somber and silent, which spread throughout the city, making all houses quiet and all roads empty. Soon, the sky became dark with no sunlight.

ZhangWei took one more look at Xiaomei. She felt his gaze and turned her attention to him as he locked eyes with her before she could speak. He reached over and secured the simple silver hairpin in her hair. Without a word, she knew how worried he was. She lifted her hand and lightly touched the hairpin before they both took a step inside the palace.

Once they entered, they softly and quietly greeted the Emperor and the others. Before she realized it, Haoyu appeared right next to her as ZhangWei went to discuss with the others. He didn't take long before coming back to her side. He quietly explained to her certain things, but mostly where the safe area would be and how she should be there at all times when the fight breaks out. He constantly reminded her to be behind him or Haoyu at all times. She was starting to get slightly annoyed but kept it to herself since she knew how incredibly worried he was for her.

Everyone soon started to gather around into position as the memorial service was about to begin. Right before the service was set to begin, a sudden loud bang echoed throughout the palace as the gigantic doors were forcefully broken down. A large group of soldiers led by Zhou Haitao rushed in, while archers stationed on the roof surrounded them.

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