Chapter 68

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"ZhangWei, it's been three days already," Xiaomei said, setting down a plate of plain buns on the table while LiMei set down the stir-fried meat with bok choy and tomato egg dish. "Stop delaying and go help them out," Xiaomei said, sitting down.

"What's the rush? They don't need me. They can handle it on their own," ZhangWei said, picking up a plain bun and taking a bite. "Why are you in such a rush? Don't tell're ready to go..." ZhangWei's voice became tense as he drop-dead stared at her while LiMei and Bao quietly ate their meal as they weren't sure what they were talking about.

Xiaomei's eyes slightly widened and answered back, "Of course not. I was just worried that the more time we give Zhou Haitou, the better he could strike back."

"Don't you want to capture Zhou Haitou? After all he had done to you," Xiaomei asked, looking at him. ZhangWei remained silent and quietly nibbled his food.

"Of course I do. I want him to suffer a hundred times more after what he did," his voice became dead cold, and his eyes became pitch black.

Xiaomei knew that ZhangWei was the only one left in his family, as his entire family was dead. Since his father and brothers were generals, they were on the front line of the battle. Xiaomei watched him become in a daze.

He could clearly remember the incident. His entire family line was all generals. His father, uncles, and brothers were generals; even his mother and sister were as well, but they retired once they got married. ZhangWei was the youngest among his family. It was his first year joining his father, brothers, uncles, and brother-in-law in the battle. Before he was ready to join them, his father and oldest brothers told him it was best to stay and defend as this battle was different. They had never faced a war like this before.

Soon, the battle was becoming fierce, and his mother knew they wouldn't win this battle. In her heart, she felt...her husband and eldest sons had already parted from this world, so she immediately sent word for ZhangWei to hurry back.

Once ZhangWei received word from his mother, he directly rushed home to find his mother and sister in the midst of the chaos. His mother told him to flee to safety with some others who had escaped. ZhangWei immediately refused to leave behind his family. Before he could continue to utter a word, his sister knocked him unconscious and told Junfeng to take him away. Since ZhangWei was the youngest, he was the baby of the family, which defaulted him to be protected no matter what. Even though they were relieved that he was going to be safe, their hearts couldn't bear to leave their husbands as his mother and sister chose to stay behind, and soon enough, his entire family perished.

Before his eyes became hollow, he felt a soft hand on his head. His eyes looked up to see Xiaomei petting his head. She could tell he was recalling bad memories and couldn't help but reach over to caress his head. He could see the concern in her eyes and felt the warmth in her hand.

As she gently stroked his hair, memories flooded his mind of each of his family members patting his head throughout his life. But in that moment, her touch was replacing those memories and pushing them to the back of his mind, and he felt a sense of comfort and safety.

Even though he wanted to kill Zhou Haitou, he felt that she was more worth it. He knew Zhou Haitou would get his karma, but he wasn't sure how much longer he would have with her. So, he was willing to let Zhou Haitou live a little longer to have more time with her.

ZhangWei smiled brightly and grabbed her hand before saying, "I'll only go if you give me a kiss."

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