Chapter 61

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"Ah, Leader Wang. What brings you here?" The bookkeeper said without noticing ZhangWei's tone of voice. "Are you here to purchase some books?" The man asked

"You could say it that way," ZhangWei said in an unfriendly voice. The bookkeeper once again didn't seem to notice ZhangWei's unfriendly voice. Xiaomei immediately tugged on ZhangWei's sleeve.
"Here you go. Thank you," Xiaomei said, pushing ZhangWei out of the way and handing the money to the man. She continued without a beat, "Leader Wang, didn't you have an issue to attend to?" She tried to create an opening for them to leave before it started to become a downfall from there.

"Leader Wang?" ZhangWei raised an eyebrow with his voice cold.
Xiaomei forced a smile on her and nodded her head, ignoring his cold voice. ZhangWei instantly narrowed his eyes on her.
"I see. Leader Wang, you must be busy. Please come back when you have time," the man said with a smile. ZhangWei could see that this man was oblivious to his tone of voice, and Xiaomei was plainly ignoring his jealousy.
He voiced out an 'mmm' and stood there, waiting for Xiaomei to make a move. Xiaomei couldn't help but smile brighter to herself to see that he would quietly listen to her. She couldn't help but want to chuckle as she watched ZhangWei sulk to himself, but she held her laugh.

"Thank you again," Xiaomei said her goodbye.
The bookkeeper immediately broke into a smile with his ears blushing, "Of course. P-please, come again." She nodded her head and smiled back at him. Straight away, ZhangWei reached out and tugged Xiaomei's sleeves. A small soft chuckle came out of her mouth as she caught it midway. ZhangWei's eyebrows frowned before pulling her sleeve with him as he walked out the door.

"Z-ZhangWei, wait...slow down," Xiaomei said, trying to catch up with him. "ZhangWei... hold on-," she said, trying to keep up with him as he still held her sleeve and dragged her away.
Once he felt they were far enough from the shop, ZhangWei stopped. "No longer called Leader Wang? Hmm?" he said with his eyebrows frowning and lips pouting.
Finally, she couldn't contain her chuckles anymore and started chuckling with her fist against her lips. She couldn't help but think how cute he was acting.

"So, was that Jianyu?" ZhangWei said seriously.
Xiaomei's eyes widened before looking up at him. "What nonsense are you talking about? Jianyu. Who?" she said.
He too knew that it was nonsense since she probably meant Jianyu from her world, but he couldn't help it. He avoided her gaze and remained pouting.

She started to chuckle again, looking at his pouty face. She could see his lips were slightly pouting out, and his gaze was wandering around but still looked at her in the corner of his eye as if he was expecting something from her.

However, seeing her not taking any action, he felt irritated before saying, "You dare laugh again?" He placed both of his hands against her cheeks and forced her to look him in the eyes. When she looked at him in the eyes, she saw his jealous eyes and his eyebrows tensed together. She couldn't help but use her fist to cover her smile.

His eyes lit up as he watched her face look so bright with happiness. Her smile was gentle and gave out such a soft touch to his heart. "You little brat," he said with a smile. She was surprised to see his gentle smile. It made his face look refreshed and bright.
They both looked deep into their eyes and felt a great sense of affection between each other and a strong connection.

"Young Master, something urgent-" a shadow appeared out of nowhere and interrupted them. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you two," the shadow guard apologized and bowed his head.

They lost their connection, and ZhangWei let go of her face and turned his head with his eyes showing great irritation. Xiaomei saw his eyes and grabbed his hand to settle him down. ZhangWei took a deep breath and asked, "What's so urgent?"

The shadow guard quickly went to his feet and whispered into ZhangWei's ear. Xiaomei stared at them as she started wondering what he was saying. As the shadow guard was reporting into ZhangWei's ear, ZhangWei's eyes slightly widened before he looked directly at Xiaomei with his hand tightly holding onto her. She noticed his grip and his eye turning dim. She slightly tilted her head in concern.

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