Fault | Sam Trapani

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Sam x female reader.


You had told him the plan multiple times already, yet he still somehow found a way to fuck it all up.

Sam and his arrogance.

It was an in and out job. Trading guns for money, it was simple. You, Sam, & Paulie had done this job for the Don so many times you could've done it with your eyes closed. But today was different.

Today we were trading with a new up and coming group that had started making a name for themselves. We were supposed to be opening possibilities for them in hopes that we'd make a couple a new friends for the business. Allies were extremely important in the crime world and we were supposed to be the start of it for them.

Don and the supporting leader who you had forgotten the name of were like-minded and after several meetings they signed a contract with terms they both understood and agreed to. It was supposed to be broadening our horizons and strengthening in our numbers. That was until Sam had to go and screw it all up.

You couldn't help but sigh in anger as Sam sat in the back of the wine red coloured 1931 Chrysler Sedan that the Don had graciously given to the boys and you to ride around in. Although you loved this car you couldn't help but hate that the colour stuck out like a sore thumb now that you were being chased by the said guys we were "working" with.

The longer this chase went the angrier you got. Paulie who sat next to you was panting in pain, trying to play off the bullet that had grazed his arm.

It was moments like these you missed Tommy. The one day he was off work, everything turns to shit! Sam came back in from hanging out the window to shoot at the cars chasing behind us, quickly reloading the gun in his hands.

You couldn't help but scoff at his reflection in the mirror, you were MAD.

Noticing your glare, he had the audacity to ask. "What's your problem?" You could've slammed on the breaks and pushed him out the door to fend for himself with his stupid question.

"What is my problem?! MY problem? Did you really just ask that?!" Pure anger evident in your voice. Paulie had glanced between you two sensing the argument brewing. Realising his position he reloaded before leaning out the window again.

"Yeah, I did! What the hells your problem?!" He yells this time, knowing your angry with him. Shaking your head, you continue to weave through the terrible traffic only hoping you don't get hit or hit someone else.

You hear a scoff before he's leaning back out the window again. Mumbling under your breath about his stupidity, you turn to see Paulie already looking at you in concern.

"You alright, Y/n?" He kindly asks, considering the situation. You chuckle at his caring behaviour.

"I'm fine sweetheart, how are you? You okay?" Concerned for his wound.

He shook it off, "I'm okay, nothing that can't be fixed." He replies, digging through the compartment for extra bullet's.

You knew he was in pain, he was just trying to play it off and you felt terrible for him. You just wanted to lose these assholes so you could get Paulie to Doc.

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