Soap and plants

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"Ron, turn that stupid alarm off!"



"Row." Tap!
"Row." Tap!
"Row." Tap!

"What the fu-" Harry opened his eyes to find Suki merely a few inches away from his face, sniffing him. Her front paw was poised ready to hit his nose. Again.

"Ah!" He sat up pushing Suki off of him earning a loud hiss. "Over-grown lizard," he mumbled as he looked around slightly dazed.

Streams of light entered through the window, highlighting the floating dust in the air. It seemed rather peaceful. Silent. Until a long snore echoed into the room.

"Huh?" Cautiously, Harry stood up and walked towards the sound, it was coming from Astraea's room.

Making a loud screech, Harry pushed the door open. Just enough to look into the room. There he saw Astraea fast asleep. Her left leg and arm was hanging from the bed. A mass of dark curls surrounded her sleeping face. Her mouth was open causing the noise.

She looks so peaceful. He thought with a smile.

Just as he was about to close the door behind him, a black blur ran between his legs and into the room. Suki. Eagerly, she pounced on the bed right onto the girl's chest making her wake up with a groan.

"Suki! You little shit!" Suki jumped off the bed and onto the floor looking very proud.

Amused, Harry let out a light laugh at the sight. Surprised by the noise, the once sleeping girl snapped her head to the door.

"Oh- I forgot you were here," Astraea apologised as she stepped out of her bed. "Um how did you sleep?"

"Brilliant thanks," he said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"That's good," she said as she looked into her wardrobe for something to wear that day.

Still yawning slightly, she pulled out a pair of jeans with a plain grey shirt. "So uh," Astraea stood in the middle of the room just looking at Harry unsure what to do next.

"Oh right," he turned around and walked towards the door. "Thanks by the way for the uh potion last night," he smiled which she returned.

"It's fine," Astraea met his eyes. "I actually enjoyed speaking with you yesterday."

"Really?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah its pretty lonely at the moment you know. No one really trusts me so they don't talk to me," Astraea explained with a sad smile but shook it off and gave a brighter smile. "It's ok though. I have Suki."

Harry looked at her with a concerned look. Maybe she's similar to me.

"I know how you feel, and I'm sorry," He nodded slightly.

Astraea sighed but followed it with a yawn. "It's fine honestl-" she stopped midway through her sentence when her gaze looked at the clock. It was nearly 7:50am. Breakfast starts at 8!

"Oh you have to go," Astraea said with wide eyes.

"Why?" Harry asked calmly as he was puzzled at her tone change.

"You only have like ten minutes till breakfast and then you have lessons. And I don't wanna be the reason why you are hungry till lunch," Astraea dragged his wrist and pulled him to the door. She stopped and turned to him.

Memories - HJP x OCWhere stories live. Discover now