Chapter 40

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I gritted my teeth in pain, holding onto Presley for dear life as I pushed again. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear, telling me I was doing such a good job. My thighs hurt, quivering from the misery of bringing my baby boy into this world. My mama sat on a stool behind me, and she was rubbing my lower back, ready to catch him once he arrived.

I decided I wanted an intimate delivery with only Presley and my mama in the room. Although I liked Miles, it wasn't customary in my old pack to have a whole team to birth a baby unless it was absolutely necessary.

We had finally moved into the house that Presley had built for us. It was a little far from the packhouse but still within our borders. Presley's reasoning was that he really wanted to make sure he was not only focused on me but on our child, and if we decided on more later on, we would have a spare room. It was tucked in the woods, with a few other houses surrounding the area, but still private enough. I loved it so much, and I could tell that Presley really put a lot of work into it to make sure I had my own music room, remembering that was something I really loved to do with my free time. When I first put my fingers on the keys to the piano, my soul lit up. He also built me bookshelves that were flush with the walls and filled them with several new books and the books I had brought from Italy with me. It was my own little oasis in our home. I couldn't have been more grateful for my mate who did pay attention to what I had said, regardless of all of the time that had passed.

Another contraction hit, and I let out a wail of pain, squatting and pushing again. Presley put his hands under my armpits and held me tightly so I wouldn't fall.

"You've got this bambino." My mama cooed. "He's crowning."

I let out a scream, feeling the ring of fire, almost feeling as if my ass was being ripped all the way up my back. I dug my nails deeper into Presley's arms, almost drawing blood out of them.

"We're almost there, angel." He ignored my death grip on his arms. "Just a little bit more to go."

I leaned my head back and let out a loud groan before I began to push again. "It hurts so much." I cried.

"I know, baby," He whispered in my ear. "You're only a few pushes away from meeting our little boy. He'll be perfect, just like you."

I gritted my teeth again, pushing when another contraction hit.

"Breathe, baby. You're turning purple. You need to breathe." He rubbed my back. I could hear my mama mutter a few things, but I couldn't focus on what she was saying. I put all my energy into pushing this boulder-sized child out of my butt.

When the final contraction hit, I could feel the baby leave me. Presley held onto me tighter, and I could hear the baby crying. I, too, began to cry from the overwhelming joy I felt. The pain was nothing but a dull throb now that was a nuisance, but nothing more.

"He's beautiful, angel." Presley kissed my forehead. I didn't know all of what my mama was doing, but my mate held me in place, keeping me unmoving from my spot. My mama put our little boy into my hands. He whaled healthily, making me cry along with him. He was perfection in one little person.

After a few moments of him crying, he finally settled, and he opened his eyes and looked at Presley and I with wonder in his eyes. I held him close to my bare chest, making sure to cradle his head, so he was safely in my grasp.

The world melted away in our little bubble. In our little family.

"You did such a good job, baby." Presley put his hands under mine to help me hold our baby. "Thank you for giving me a beautiful son." He pressed his lips to my forehead, then placed his own forehead against mine, looking down at our son.

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