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Hey! I rarely add messages at the top of my chapter, but I'd love it if you guys listened to the songs I put in my chapters as you read :) they influence the chapter, or have the same tone as the chapter. You can find more info about the book's playlists in the Playlist Chapter. Happy reading, darlings. —Angelo



The streetlights buzzed at me as I sat underneath them, right outside a local convenience store. I needed a late-night snack and potentially something to stop me from falling asleep.  The 72-hour cycle inched into a close, and I'd soon have someone else to worry about by tomorrow morning.

Thor ended up postponing working on his project and decided to drive both me and Delayney home.

We insisted on taking her to get checked out but she refused: going to the merge is a colossal waste of time and I really just need to rest. We'll reconvene before the due date, I promise.

Thor took the entire thing better than I did. He was quiet briefly after dropping Delayney off as if I wasn't still in the car.

''You were supposed to watch her, Riordan.''

''I know, I shouldn't have--''

''You chose to come check on me when you knew Delayney was about to get hurt.''

''I wasn't thinking--''

''You weren't thinking? YOU WEREN'T THINKING? Yes, you were! I heard Delayney say she wanted to see if I was okay. But you wouldn't let her, would you? You were just too jealous to let me be alone with someone who was actually interested in me!''

I stay silent, fighting the urge to cry.

''You love to talk about how you wouldn't dare risk someone's life, and you did exactly that today. You may think this isn't entirely your fault but you need to remember that you are held to a higher position of responsibility because of your powers.''

His grip on the steering wheel tightened so hard you could see his knuckles turn chalk-white.

''I'm sorry.'' I try.

''That apology isn't for me.''

''But it is. If I could apologize to Delayney I would. You have no idea how sorry I am. It was my shitty chair she used to hang that noose up--I am well aware of the responsibility I have. And I don't need you to lecture me on risking someone's life anymore. Whether I risk mine, or someone else's, you will always have a problem with it, so I'm done.''

''Done what?''

''Pull over.''


''Pull the fuck over, Thor. I mean it.''

''No! You're being irrational.''

''You are NOT my father, Daniel, and I would rather walk through hell than spend another second in this car with you so pull over so I can walk myself home.''

Thor reluctantly slows down and pulls over about five blocks away from my house.

''Danny, can you just--''

''You know, I admit that I was jealous. Jealous of you and Delayney potentially having something that I'd always longed to have with you. I try to suppress what I feel for you by letting other people like Phoenix occupy my mind. Even he sees that you haven't been honest either.

I made a mistake because I wanted to be with you and only you for a couple of uninterrupted minutes, so sue me. It may have been the wrong fucking timing—it may have been a dire moment but SUE ME; there is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do to make sure you were okay, even if it was for something as silly as you getting sick. But don't you ever try to tell me what is and isn't my responsibility like I haven't had to navigate countless near-death situations since before you hit puberty. I am well aware of the position I hold and do not need you or anyone that hasn't gone through what I have giving me unsolicited advice that I've already given myself.''

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